[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Tuesday - Luna Sports Centre - Sol City[/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Taco Tuesday[/b] [b]Victoria [/b] Victoria left Luna Sports after a smoothie and a quick snack, sitting down for a while people watching as the lunchtime rush became the quieter afternoon and the patrons changed from rushed lunch workouts to more casual longer classes, those at leisure and families using the pool and other facilities. It was nice to just sit, relax for a bit and calmly watch the world go by mostly unnoticed bar being occasionally annoyingly confused for a teanager by her height and rather slim figure. A teanager wearing a ruby necklace, designer coat and handbag? Feeling a little stiff a second before getting moving again slowly down the short run of steps outside down to the car park up front where she was in a handicapped spot nearby. There was a viable city badge, screw you littering parking warden, better luck next time. Making it to her car, not really having changed much having put a short, pink, white and pale blue tartan skirt over her yoga pants, a sports top and a dark fitted wool coat for warmth, it was spring but not quite enough spring for her to be fully warm. Throwing her bag into the foot well and the foam mat in the boot, deciding on a whim dropping the folding hard top, digging her sunglasses out and enjoying the gentle rumble of the V12 finding shuffle on the music systems eclectic collection. ... Exiting the sports facility as the sat nav screen blinked marking out several nasty delays and crashes in Sol City. [i][color=6ecff6]"Dang... Gridlocked. Sat nav, reroute round delays. Avoid ring road. Destination home."[/color][/i] The City ring road was rather busy at times and annoying lanes. Easier to go via side roads. Finding herself on some roads that felt familiar, though not quite as her drive home that night was far from the most level headed night and details were rather fuzzy as to how she got home. The rest of the drive had been good, the roads where we're not too bad and the larger tyres and heavier car took the city's eternal supply of potholes far better than the Mini did. One day she would have to drive out to Mount Atlas or somewhere else, the roads where really fun last time she did it. Avoiding a patch of damaged tarmac in the centre of road where some lorry had probably worn the road down by its regular turns into another commercial building... A familiar one... Noticing a certain iron sign not too far away, wait... Slamming the brakes on as someone stepped out into the road as the nearly 2 tons of car came to rapid stop tyres biting into the tarmac for all there worth, engine rumbling and heavy metal playing through the sound system before looking round to check and swearing somewhat in Russian about looking where you're going. The distinctive snowflake cane was sat in in the passenger side footwell for easy reach, glancing over the bonnet to see someone who became familiar... Her Russian came out under stress until she got her accent back under control[i][color=6ecff6]"Vou need to be more careful. I nearly hit you! Milo? Wait. Well this is awkward. You OK? Need medical help? I really... Really did not plan this and was taking a detour on a detour to tex mex wings."[/color] [/i] [hider=Car + shuffle collection - Victoria] [img]https://d1ix0byejyn2u7.cloudfront.net/drive/images/made/drive/images/remote/https_f2.caranddriving.com/images/used/big/bentleycontinentalgtc_750_500_70.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://youtu.be/s9eWbrc_ynw[/youtube] [/hider] Unsure what to do Victoria stayed in her dark purple car for now, her detour had turned into nearly running over Milo if she had not managed to brake so quickly. The last thing she wanted was Paige after her for running her boyfriend over and putting him in hospital. That woman was just plain scary at times... What did she really say, her route had taken her back all the way to that fateful night a few months ago. A route that had set her in a rather different route in life than she ever expected. And now. Now she is back here again. Why did the fates keep dragging her back to things? Had she not gone here all those months ago, how would things have ended? No one could change the past. Damn. Now apart from fate, she really had a craving for chicken wings... Urgh. Fate and their loom must be on a PMS day... [b]Mentions[/b] Milo - nearly a bowling pin[@RoccanIronclad]