Hexagon rooms, two half circles (domes?) at the base of a platform in the center of the room. I am not sure if Khan is in the room or behind the room as [i]The Death Cultist had already taken cover [u]behind the hexagonal shaped rooms[/u] two great half circle reactors positioned at the base of the large platform centered in the middle of the room[/i] places the character outside the room. Khan is somewhere where she can observe the N/S access points to the room. Therefore, I am assuming there are only two entry points. Although I am confused as the only cover described is behind the domes at the center of the room. [i]It would seem likely it would attempt to repair the damage to the reactor which meant ascending the short stairs there and approaching the pedestal with its now three dead crystals, leaving it’s back to her.[/i] This indicates that you would have to climb up the steps on the large platform to access the generator that is on the platform. But since there is no actual mention of anything else but the hexagon domes and the platform I would find it hard, unless Khan was moving to keep the domes between you from staying completely hidden.