[quote=@JessieTargaryen] I do believe one of my co GMs has messaged Hellion about it. [/quote] [@Alfhedil] sent me a PM inviting me to the discord but nothing regarding the superpower I posted, so yes, please advise if it is acceptable. Here's an updated version: [quote][b]Technomancy (aka "shadowjack")[/b] - Technomancy (shadowjack) - ability to understand and manipulate/hack electronic technology through clever use of telepathic connects and obfuscation. With regard to general electronic devices, it allows the user to tap into the unit and “speak” to it to an extent, so a microwave for instance could be remotely hijacked. Those devices, however, that are networked or connected to the internet, can be quite tricky and require a greater level of mental focus in order to “travel” through cyberspace. A user can easily get lost as well, their mind jacked into the framework for so long that it can take hours or days to come back. [/quote] I'm still working on a sheet.