[hr][hr] [center][h1]Aboard The Aegis[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Yiithren peered at those gathered, his own party having been a wall of silence for most of the meeting. Mainly because they found the Aegis interior design to be so interestingly similar to their own craft, only purple. Something none of them had been expecting, save for Strevrols of course, though that was only because he had spent some time aboard helping the crew with various engineering related tasks as per their agreement. A task Yiithren had expected him to complain about by the time it had ended, but one that he had not-surprisingly-whined about. As a matter of fact, he seemed to enjoy the job to the point where his ego fell away long enough for him to not be a complete hazard to his own health. Quite surprising, really. Blinking, Yiithren found himself breaking his train of thought just in time to hear Erthos question, as well as Falul's response. "Ah, well Strevrols," Yiithren began, gesturing towards his chief engineer with a tendril as he cleared his throat. An action that was more of a liquid gurgle more than an actual clearing of phlegm. "Finds it quite interesting. From an engineering standpoint anyway. From what he's shown me of its design, it seems quite similar to some of my peoples own Colossi, albeit much smaller and less versatile. From what you've told us it just destroys worlds, whereas some of the things we've been playing around with allow us to shield entire planets if we so desire." He paused for a bit, as though pondering something, before continuing. "Well, with superweapon type devices anyway. Not regular ships. And I do agree, for this universe, it is a horribly inefficient use of resources, albeit one that may prove to be extremely lethal to us if he manages to downsize it as you've said."