[@Theodorable] Here is my application. Let me know if I need to change anything. Thank you. [hider= Hernandez Ortis] [b]Full Name[/b]: Hernandez Ortis [b]Age[/b]: 49 [b]Brief Description & Background[/b]: Nobody knows who Hernandez Ortis was, where he came from, who was he before becoming one of the political forefronts, all they knew was that he was one of the foreign investors who took an interest in Melizea when the first pocket of oil was found. And while everyone was huddling for gold, Hernandez took an interest in developing infrastructure. While everyone is busying constructing oil drill, Hernandez was busying decorating the coast and securing favor from various factions. And when everything settles down, like it always was, Hernandez had already possessed numerous plots of land along the coasts. And from here, resorts are built to serve the riches. Miles-long beaches and coasts reserved only for hotel guests. Golf courses and pastures. Horse racing and canoeing. Suddenly, Hernandez became the king of mortgages, services and entertainment sections of this decadent nation. And like most people with power and an economy to back it such power, he became a politician. And to be honest, he represents the darker side of the capitalistic way. He made it harder for small companies to be created while making those that are already in charge as the only supplier. There are monopolies in food, in export and import, in building ships and making torpedoes... All of these can't be done without him and the greed of the ruler. This nation belongs to the rich. Everything in this nation belongs to the rich. And Hernandez is here to make sure that the foreign investment will forever overshadow this newborn's country capability. [b]Military or Civilian Background[/b]: Civilian [Hidden Modifier Attached][/hider]