Christian sidled numbly to his kitchen table with the phone. He didn't have to feel around for the phone dock he just placed it neatly in place. This was impossible. Having lived in this house for three years Christian knew the space to a tee but as he thought about his surrounding an impossible realization came over him. He knew everything about this space. The exact distance between furniture. The current heat of the water in the kettle. The length between the carpet and the wood underneath in his bedroom. This wasn't possible and yet it was so. So close and yet so very far away. It was like he could see again. He knew across from where he was exactly where the TV was without counting. It was so much like he was healed again and yet he could see nothing. He was blind as ever. Christian traced back events in his mind. There must have been something irregular to cause this. People didn't just suddenly gain a perfect awareness of there surroundings overnight. Then he thought about the phone had he caused that to. Cause an object to fly through the air when he needed it? The only thing that had happened that was out of the ordinary was... the bus accident but how could that have caused this? He didn't know but there was an excitement building in his chest. Would this work in a place that he had never been before. He needed to check. He opened his front door and walked down the steps. He didn't need to count on his way down, he knew when he'd reached the sidewalk. As Christian walked he thought about his surroundings. It seemed that his "sight" extended exactly ten feet in every direction. He could feel where his field of view faded. As he walked he knew that the sidewalk slabs below his feet were about 1.3 meters each with about a 0.1 meter difference depending on the slab. He could feel the composition of his neighbor's painted fence and knew that it meant white paint. Everything around him flowed through his mind and he couldn't have been happier. He started to run, a proper real run for the first time in a long while. Normally he couldn't run without someone to guide him but today wasn't normal. As the adrenaline flowed through his system and Christian cleared block after block something happened all at once. A pounding headache assaulted Christian's skull and he fell to his knees cutting his the knees of his jeans open. Information poured through Christian, for several terrible seconds he could have told you how many molecules were contained without every structure for ten miles around him, a tree branch above him cracked away from the trunk and collapsed onto the sidewalk, a nearby window shattered and dog leash snapped. Then it was just gone, completely gone. The blackness that Christian had known for years returned leaving the boy blind and lying on the ground in the middle of where he didn't know. This was bad. He hadn't brought his white cane with him. He didn't think he'd be using it. How many exits had he passed, four, five, six, seven. Had he taken three turns or four. It hit him hard then. He was lost streets away from where he knew anything and he didn't even have his cellphone on him. He would be okay. He'd just have too, ask for help yeah. Navigate his way to one of the houses and ask for a ride. What was he thinking running off like that completely unprepared. He knew what he was thinking. He was thinking that he'd finally found freedom only to have it ripped from him at a crucial moment. --- [center][img=][/center]