[h1]Aboard the Immaculate Aegis[/h1] Eggman had come aboard, this time with Oglivie as his wrangler. Eggman appeared on the landing pad in his pod, whilst Oglivie stood next to him. Oglivie wasn't entirely happy with this, but he knew that SOMEONE had to wrangle him in. "Remember, Doctor, no charging in there like a bull in a china-shop." Oglivie said. "Only if i [b]know[/b] they are wrong." Eggman grinned. "Yes, but just because their opinions differ from yours doesn't automatically make them wrong." He sighed. "That's an opinion that differs from mine." The pair of them made their way through the ornate corridors. "Ooooh, people after my own heart. Built like a cathedral." He smiled. Luckily, the ship seemed to have been designed with giant floating chairs in mind, so the Eggmobile had no problems floating through the doors. They were constantly getting strong looks from the crew of the ship. "WHAT, I'M AN OLD MAN WHO'S LEGS DON'T WORK SO GOOD ANYMORE!" He yelled at them. "Damn kids with their working legs. I'll have you know i used to be able to outrun Sonic in the old days." They finally made it to the science meeting and Eggman, surprisingly, held his tongue for the first bit. As they finally mentioned the Death Star, Oglivie could see Eggmans face growing more scrunched and annoyed as they constantly berated such an undertaking. Finally, the Doctor seemed to lose Patience. "First of all, i'm pretty positive that this Anubis guy has been stealing some of my idea's. He then pressed a button on the Eggmobile and a hologram of the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/c/ce/Death_egg_generations.png/revision/latest?cb=20170719161304]Death Egg[/url] appeared next to the hologram of the Death Star. "We know he's been stealing things from other dimensions, i think it's safe to say he's been to my vault and stolen the plans for MY Death Egg." Oglivie actually piped up here. "You know, he does actually have a point." Oglivie sighed. "If this Anubis guy is as powerful as Elizabeth says he is and he can jump dimensions, maybe this is something he picked up on the way through our Dimension?" He asked. "I mean... The resemblance is UTTERLY uncanny. Although, i think i'm gonna call theirs the Death Cyclops." Oglivie responded. "Well, like the 3 you built, taking them out should be easy. Just destroy the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/5/5e/Generations_DE_boss.png/revision/latest?cb=20130215114141]Giant Robot[/url] near the core and that should destroy the rest of the station." "That's because the Death Egg Robot is designed to protect the core and draws power from it-" Eggman began as playback began of his [url=https://youtu.be/SCcY9HciQVc?t=41]First Death Egg's destruction[/url] played. "You destroy the robot and it starts a resonating, cascading feedback loop and the core REALLY does not like those. But the rest of the Death Egg is pretty much indestructible from the outside. You need to fight your way to the core first, so it's usually fine... Then you run into an annoying rodent who can run faster than the speed of sound and then your plans go out the window, along with the rest of the furniture due to the depressurization..."