Kami shrugged. It wasn't like Kami herself followed the rules perfectly- no one did. However, maybe because she was bias, but she was pretty sure barging into a hospital room was a lot worse then demanding free roasted chestnuts. The was the very real possibility that Kami could have been healing a half naked genin. Cuts on the torso, chest, and thighs were pretty common. There could have been a partly naked twelve year old in this room. Although, since the war modesty was dead. Mutilated bodies were difficult to heal with fabric in the way. But, for the younger genin, it was different. This really was a new generation. However before Kami could voice her complaint, a pitching sound shattered the air. Her frown deepened, if that was even possible, as her ears went to cover her hands. Kami glared, simultaneously healing her ears as the sound went on. Hayato, her new teacher or not, had barged into the hospital he did not own and had harm children that were not his. This display was forever going to mark Kami's opinion of Hayato. She had seen too much during the war to let some old man treat her like a dog. Kami had been just fine without a team before; she didn't need one now. Finally the ringing stopped and Kami rushed towards the genin. This couldn't be legal. Not knocking was something Kami could let slide. Harming innocent children was something sinister. Harming innocent, injured children though was just malicious. "Here." Kami stated, motioning around the room. "You are not my sensei. All you are is some ninja that broke into a hospital room and harmed injured children." She pointed out, motioning at the pile of children on the ground. There was no way she as going to let this man prance around, doing whatever the hell he liked. One of the hokage's dogs were off their lease and Kami would right the situation herself if she had too. Kami wasn't against storming her way to the hokage and demanding Hayato be dealt with. "Here my mother is my teacher and the hospital administrators are my boss." Kami clarified. "Outside of this hospital is a different matter." If the hokage had assigned Hayato to her, this couldn't have been a detail overlooked. Or Hayato had simply not listened before. He did seem like the type to ignore what people told him and then did whatever he wanted anyway. " If you think what you just did was without repercussions, you are wrong." Kami wasn't yelling or causing a scene. She had spoken with a professional tone. After all, the injured children had been injured further and the didn't need to see the person taking care of them freaking out. Nor did these children need to see her simply brushing off this man's actions. Being a ninja was dangerous but if they weren't safe from their own comrades... then what was the point? Waiting in the lobby was probably a bad idea. Especially since before Kami left with Hayato, she'd make sure he'd end up on the Banned list. Nobody at the hospital had time to deal with such implusive nonsense. All Hayato had managed to do was severely tick off Kami and injured already injured children. Kami couldn't understand his nickname. [I]Allure.[/i] Unless it was suppose to be ironic, it really made no sense. There was nothing alluring about some man hurting children. Not even a snail would be attracted to that. "It's no longer anarchy." Kami tried to explain. "This is Konoha and there are rules now." Kami gently helped the genin up, minding their reopened wounds as she helped them back onto cots. "It would probably be best if you waited outside." Kami suggested. Even if Kami didn't turn Hayato in for his actions, the genin would most likely confide in their own sensei. An hour later, Kami would appear in the lobby. If Hayato had heeded her advice and waited outside the hospital, Kami would head there. She had made sure to take all the time she could, even wrapping a child head-to-toe in bandages. It was a waste of supplies but... Well, it was worth it if it meant more time before she had to go find Hayato. This whole incident reminded Kami of something Shira had said about titles. Hayato assumed he had this title of sensei, but he hadn't earned it. It was an empty title until he was able to prove otherwise. At this rate, Kami was doubting that as even possible. She had also stopped by her mother's office to explain what had happened and where she was going. Her mother was an adult and could probably better handle this situation. Her mother could scare tigers into submission just by looking at them. Besides, her mother had more influence than her. Kami sighed resigning herself to her temporary fate as she looked for Hayato.