When she had turned against the wall, behind the divider between her and the shed door, her heart was beating loudly. She realized that there were aliens and that those were the ones that had made the whole population sick. Within a week every human seemed to be infected, they were the reason that her species had died out. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to care all that much since the earth had suffered so much because of her kind. Only a year had passed and nature was already trying to take over the world once more. She had been able to hear birds sing, could see her cows starting to become wilder, even when they still got hay and feed from an automatic feeder. She was just so lonely, it was the first time she saw something that didn’t act like an animal. As it walked over the farm, looking around and holding some sort of gun. She just wanted to survive, she didn’t want to be alone, it was a strange thing to be at. Artemis was pulled from her thoughts as she heard the sounds of his footsteps on the stones that lead to the barn itself. Holding on tight on the baseball bat, wondering if violence even was the answer. The door creaking loudly as he pushed it open, her eyes moved to the end of the divider. She could see the weapon in his hand, waiting until he was walking into the barn itself. The cows actually seeming to panic at the sight of the alien. Their mooing was louder than she ever had heard and so she had the advantage. She swung the bat, making sure to hit him on the back of the head. It was something that would kill a human, her eyes showing her fear as she watched the large figure fall to the ground. Instantly the cows went as far as possible, her eyes on the alien as it fascinated her. “I’m so sorry.” She said as she then went to grab the gun that he had with him. Putting it in her pocket, only to go and grab the cellphone like thingy. Would it have gps? She worried about it and so she just ran out, realizing that she had to be quick. She needed to make sure that they wouldn’t come here, and so she stopped. Trying to figure out what to do with it, only to decide to just put it in the birdcage in her home. Maybe it would help in not sending anything out and in. And so she left it there, what was the chance they would even find the bunker? And so she went to grab her backpack. Going back to the shed and realizing that the alien was still breathing. Cursing as she realized she couldn’t leave him there, it would only show that she was as aggressive as any other human on this planet. She moved a plank to the side and entered the passcode, the wall moving and so she pulled the human-like creature inside the sluice. His skin was hard, warm and rougher than her own. It was interesting to see, she never even would have thought she would ever be able to be around anyone. Why she was helping? She had no idea, she just couldn’t leave him to die. An hour passed before she was even able to put him on her couch, getting the medical supplies as she was careful to use things on the back of his head. It showed a gap and instantly she felt horrible. And thus she used some saltwater spray to clean it out and then put some ointment on it. One that would keep it from getting infected. Wrapping a cloth around his head before she went on with her day. The gun that he carried, lying in her safe, as she didn’t want that creature to use anything against her. The baseball bat back after lock and key. Placing a glass of water on the table with some meal she had made from canned food. She didn’t know if he would eat, but she wanted to show that she wasn’t going to hurt him. It was at that moment that she thought about the poor bunny, pulling out a huge plastic box from the back, filling it with straw that she kept to fill up her mattress. Laying out some vegies for the animal and also a ceramic bowl to drink from. Letting it free from its containments and just looking at the cute little creature. Only to look back at the larger creature, it still made no sense that she had an alien in her bunker. “I know Wanda, it’s a freaking Klingon and I took him in after hitting him on the head. I just couldn’t let him die.” She told the black cat statue. Her bunker just looking like a home underground, one that had more than enough food to feed a family of five for 5 years. She was just alone, and how was she going to survive this? She basically hurt the alien, and now she had cared for him and put him in her home? What would her father say? She then went to grab herself some food, moving to the counter of the kitchen, as that looked out on his couch. Watching the creature sleep as she started to put the food in her mouth. “Alexa, play Shindler’s list.” She told the cube next to her. It dinged and soon soft music was playing in her home. Watching the creature as close as possible, ready to run or grab a knife if it seemed to be needed. The rabbit actually starting to relax and going to the freshwater. A day ago she was completely alone and now there were 2 other living things in her home. Fearing the fact that aliens were here now, that she would just end up dead in the end. But a part of her wishing that she could just learn more. It was one hell of a chance, her inner geek loving the idea of an alien species being close by.