Please keep in mind the second image is only a very loose guideline of what I had in mind for her hybrid zoan form. It’s not intended to be as visceral, grimdark, or horror themed. A more thorough description can be found in the devil fruit section of her abilities. [Hider=Sweet Death Ayako][CENTER][img][/img] [img][/img] [i]”No, no, I don’t think any anesthetic will be necessary. Here, have a lollipop.”[/i][/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Kurosawa “Sweet Death” Ayako [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Gender is a worthless social construct. I concern myself only with biological fact. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Height & Weight:[/b] 5’5” 142 lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] Ayako is always living in her own little world, barely aware of whatever else is going on. She’s quite hyperactive owing to her sugar addiction, and rarely stays on topic for very long unless it’s something that interests her, and what interests her is sweets and biology. She sees most people as an opportunity to experiment, but believes deeply in the sanctity of both life and consent: for this reason she will never ever take a life. However, if sufficiently angered she will deem that your right to consent has been revoked, upon which her target will surely [i]wish[/i] they were dead. She holds her nakama in the highest regard and will not suffer any injury to them on her watch, and doing so would be a grave mistake. They’re likely to come back with a few… [i]Enhancements.[/i] She just wishes one of them would let her graft on that tentacle she’s been experimenting with… Her tactics and demeanor when angered make her one of the darkest members of the crew. [b]Bounty:[/b] 48,000,000 belli bounty for crimes against God and nature (actually for betraying the World Government and destroying her research) [b]Origin Story:[/b] Dr. Kurosawa Ayako grew up on an island in the South Blue teeming with all kinds of unique animals and multiple biomes. Her parents were nature researchers and animal preservationists, and raised her to have a healthy respect for life. The marines setup a base on the island and conscripted the citizens as researchers to further the goals of the World Government, which includes Ayako’s family. She was given a top notch education and trained as a doctor, which she took to like a fish to water. She sharpened her skills as a surgeon, a chemist, and especially, as a microbiologist. Then came a time when one of her animal friends was horribly injured by some poachers. The other doctors at the research center didn’t see any way to save it, but that wasn’t going to deter Ayako. She grabbed her scalpel and forceps and went to work, utilizing flesh from other creatures that had been recently deceased. By the time she had finished her work, the creature no longer resembled its old self: it was a mishmash of parts, absolutely Frankensteinian in appearance, but it was alive. Alive and grateful. Seeing tremendous potential in their war machine, the World Government ordered Ayako to make more of these chimera beasts, but she refused. What she did was a last resort at preserving life, but churning out helpless animals meant to be abused into monsters of war was immoral. They couldn’t consent to such a thing, and the mistreatment they would suffer was intolerable. To emphasize the point the marine captain in charge of the base shot an animal in front of her. “Make no mistake. Every beast that isn’t modified by the end of the week will meet the same fate. By that token, your experiments will be preserving their lives. Don’t you agree?” Disgusted, Ayako set fire to the base that night. She set all the animals free, burned the place to the ground, stole a devil fruit they had on hand, and then she gave the marine captain exactly what he wanted: he quickly changed his mind, but that was no longer Ayako’s concern. She left home that night and never looked back, eventually joining up with a band of pirates. [b]Position:[/b] Doctor [b]Goal:[/b] To create the perfect artificial life form. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Master class doctor - Ayako’s mastery of biology is second to only a very few, and her skills as a surgeon are tremendous. This gives her incredible knowledge of where and how to strike an opponent for maximum effect, develop drugs, poisons, and stitch up physical trauma. Her real specialty comes with splicing life together to create something new. She can make new viruses and bacteria, or put parts of one creature into another and make them work when they should be totally incompatible. She’s like a moral Dr. Hogback. [*]Combat Prowess - In terms of fighting ability, Ayako is one of if not the weakest member of the crew, lacking any kind of training in battle. This is somewhat mitigated by her performance enhancement drugs, but they’re temporary and even boosting her physical strength doesn’t mean she suddenly knows how to throw a punch. [/list] [center][h3][b]Phago Phago no Mi: Virus Virus Fruit[/b][/h3][/center] Ayako ate a zoan type devil fruit that allows her to become a virus-human. This gives her the ability to transform between her natural human state, a virus, and human-virus hybrid. [list][*]Research Bilden - Normal everyday vanilla human form Ayako, in all her scalpel slicing glory. [*]Infection Bilden - Full virus form, Ayako becomes a 2 foot tall [url=]bacteriophage virus[/url], with a semi-transparent protein membrane for her head, long sheathe, multiple tail fibers as legs, etc. In this form She possesses the ability to see in every direction simultaneously and has faster speed, in addition to being a smaller target. This comes at the cost of her ability to fight. [*]Surgeon Bilden - The hybrid form, Ayako’s torso becomes a long sheathe, her head takes on the geometric shape of a protein membrane, and she gains several extra limbs, both legs and arms, which are long and spindly. In addition to the increased strength that most zoans receive, the bonus limbs allow for excellent multitasking and rapid attacks. [*]Injizieren - In both Infection Bilden and Surgeon Bilden, Ayako has the ability to infect opponents with a pre-made substance stored in her nucleic acid (the bit inside the protein membrane at the head). As long as she can make contact and pierce the flesh, she can pump them with a virus, bacteria, poison, or other chemical she’s crafted and stored within her body. [/list] [center][h3][b]Tonics[/b][/h3][/center] Tonics are Ayako’s specialty drugs, chemical cocktails designed to improve, or hinder, one’s ability in combat. Most of them are made into the form of a lollipop or chewable candy. Her currently available tonics are described in the inventory section. [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Surgical supplies, first aid supplies, etc. Full doctor’s bag. [*]A LOT of scalpels [*]A LOT of candy [*]Blitz Tonic - A drug designed to improve the user’s speed, boosting their movement to insane levels for short bursts, but without affecting their strength. Abusing Blitz Tonic runs the risk of heart attack. [*]Erdbeben Tonic - A drug designed to improve the user’s strength to superhuman levels, crushing rocks with ease. Abusing this tonic runs the risk of exhaustion. [*]Katzenauge Tonic - A drug designed to improve one’s eyesight to astounding levels, particularly in the dark. Abusing this tonic runs the risk of migraine. [*]Schlange Tonic - A toxic drug intended to paralyze the victim by numbing the nerve endings and impairing motor function. [*]Sengen Tonic - A toxic drug that stimulates the pain receptors in the victim directly, causing agony as though they were on fire. [/list] [b]Others:[/b] N/A [b]Character Progression[/b]: Observation haki, more numerous and potent tonics, improvement of actual physical and combat ability, creation of minions, augmenting herself and willing crew members with biological enhancements, and ultimately the ability to override a victim’s DNA via RNA sequencing with her viral injection in order to directly manipulate the body. [b]Arc Suggestions:[/b] N/A [/Hider]