[color=LightSalmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] 5:31 PM, Monday [color=LightSalmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Campus Commons [color=LightSalmon][b]Interacting:[/b][/color] Aaliyah [@Aurora Primrose] and Echo [@Amethyst], mentions Mia [@VampireOracle], any observers. At Echo's suggestion, Naomi's panic calmed. Going to the library would fix it. Nobody would suspect her if she had simply had to leave the green to calm down, and, plus, she wouldn't have to be around while the prank irritated everyone else. And, when the clocks were eventually found, she wouldn't have to lie when someone inevitably told. Yes, that would fix it. Not completely, but she would feel calmer than she did in the swell of students. She released her vice grip on Echo's jacket and raised her head to sit on their shoulder. Still laughing (well, more like hyperventilating), she took a deep breath. Then another. They were labored, almost gasping breaths, but got in air nonetheless. [color=LightSalmon]"Y-yeah. Pl-please?"[/color] she said between gasps. She shut her eyes closed and inhaled shakily again. Why couldn't she just calm down? It shouldn't be that hard. But the idea of getting into trouble petrified her. Every time she thought of it, she felt a rising nausea and an almost uncontrollable urge to flee or cry. Maybe this prank hadn't been such a great idea. But, then again, maybe it would pay off. Maybe she would laugh for real later. Just as she was calming, Naomi felt a tap on her shoulder. Her breath hitched in her throat and she whirled around, only to see a person who was probably one of the worst people to be behind her behind her. It was Aaliyah Meadows, one of the debate coaches. [i]Fuck.[/i] Naomi's expression twisted into one of absolute and utter terror as her laughter (no, definitely hyperventilation) hitched up again. They were so dead. Aaliyah was a college student, and she would definitely tell. Oh, Jesus. She noted cheerleaders behind them, starting to root through bushes and look under picnic tables for the sources of the sounds. They were in for it now. Clinging to Echo's shoulders even more now, Naomi managed to squeak out a few sentences between gasps. [color=LightSalmon]"Aa-Aaliyah! I-I swear, we d-didn't do an-anything, I [i]swear[/i]-"[/color] Then, her panicked gasps were cut off by Echo and she nodded along to what they said, trying to smile convincingly. They were in such deep shit if Aaliyah didn't believe them.