[b][u][center]Mika Hayashi Kirigakure Jounin. Team 14[/center][/b][/u] With the briefing done, she noticed that the girls were quiet. Likely they understood the mission or decided to just stay quiet. Both which fine with Mika. She almost had turned around before hearing the question of Ria. In an instant a kunai was pulled out of Mika's kunai holster. It was spinning in the air as Mika's cold voice rang through the air. [b]''I dare you to ask another stupid question. I don't care for the lives of thugs, scum and criminals. As long they are dead or incapable of continue their devious work, I am content with it. We're heading out. Now.''[/b] She told them as she the grabbed the kunai by the hilt and stored it back into the holster. With that done, she then picked up a pace. Not one that was too fast as she reminded herself that her students should be able to keep up. The location of the hide-out was on the same isle as Kirigakure was. So they wouldn't be bothered to travel by boat or such. Which was a relief in Mika's opinion. Meant that she had to spent less time with the genins on a mission. It would be kind of a bother as she was used to finish a mission as soon as possible. Now she had to watch the back of the three genins that were placed underneath her watch. The lips of the woman curled down. Wasn't she lucky?