[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200422/24c89bfe1508c931640513ebdec53ce7.png[/img][/center] [INDENT][INDENT] [hider=File #XXX] [code]FULL NAME[/code] [indent]John M. Smith[/indent] [code]DESIGNATION[/code] [indent]0000000[/indent] [code]DATE OF BIRTH[/code] [indent]00-00-00[/indent] [code]SPECIES[/code] [indent]Terran-based Humanoid, ‘Earth’ derivative[/indent] [code]NATIONALITY[/code] [indent]American[/indent] [code]ETHNIC BACKGROUND[/code] [indent]Caucasian of German-French Descent[/indent] [code]PREVIOUS OCCUPATION[/code] [indent]Senator -- Michigan State Senate[/indent] [code]VOCATION[/code] [indent]Administration[/indent] [code]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION[/code] [indent]Written description, at least one paragraph.[/indent] [code]PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION[/code] [indent]Written from the perspective of a psychologist, more than two paragraphs. Keep in mind aliens from the DLP are profiling certain aspects for skilled colonists and as such the subject's opinions on aliens, their role in a colonial reassignment, how they react in their day-to-day life and past, and so forth are all variable factors.[/indent] [code]CHARACTER PROFILE[/code] [indent]Written description of their life up to their current point, at least three paragraphs. Be as detailed or as concise as you want.[/indent] [/hider] [/INDENT][/INDENT]