[hider=The Ghost of Thornton Walters][center] [sup][i]"Just tell me where I can find that damn dog."[/i][/sup] [b][NA | Presumanly Thornton Walters | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Thorton introduces himself as an Apparition (although the Blind can see him which brings that into question) whose sorrow kept him alive, albeit in a completely new form. [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJH72QMW4AEqdYc?format=jpg&name=small]He takes the appearance of a skeleton in a suit with massive demonic deer antlers.[/url] Despite lacking the relevant body parts he can speak. Thorton is a strange being that appears at complete random and isn't prone to talk. When he does talk (usually to Extra-Normal Beings), he's very polite and affable - albeit quick to the point. He usually appears observing Extra-Normal events from aware, but appears to the Extra-Normal asking about the Hound or watching the thing from afar. It seems he knows Babylon. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Thorton has the baseline Apparition abilities - Other than that, his personal Abstraction is a mystery other than levitation. [/center][/hider] [hider=The "Moose"][center] [sup][i]"Stay... away..."[/i][/sup] [b][??? | ??? | ???][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Some type of freak of nature. [url=https://www.carnivora.co/uploads/2/4/8/5/24852526/zombie-moose-small_orig.png]It appears as the rotting remains of a Moose,[/url] usually at the outskirts of Tampa near the roads. Usually at night giving drivers heart attacks with its mere sight - what's weird is that there are no Moose anywhere near Tampa. It's unknown what type of being it is or what it wants, but it's usually seen accompanying the Ghost of Thorton Walters. Sometimes doing other stuff. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Normal zombie Moose powers. [/center][/hider]