[center][hr][h2]Yumi[/h2][hr][/center] Yumi heard she had visitors and put away her cleaning tools then went to meet them sure they must be in quite a state of turmoil what with the world not being the earth surely they all remembered She approached them slow and gracefully knowing as she did that her function was both performance and theological. [center][h3]~You are drawn to the color of a flower before you have even caught it's sent~[/h3][/center] Is the memory of her Grandfather's words on how important it was for priest, monk, and Miko to be precieved as serine, at peace with the world and self. [color=FF1493]"Welcome to the Inari shrine"[/color] she says in a soft tone that has volume even so as she bows as slowly as the willow in a gentle breeze.