[hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmFiMGQwZC5UV0Y1WVNCRGFHOXAuMAAA/budhayanti-script.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Riley]"Maya we get your power is being a bitch, but leave it for the vampires. There's bigger fish to fry then your subjective opinion, girl."[/quote] It was lucky for Riley that Claudette sent the entire room into darkness, muffling all sounds, before Maya managed to retort with something equally bitchy. Not that she gave a fuck about Riley’s opinion in any way - just didn’t want to let her think Maya was the kind to back down as soon as someone said shit about her. So instead she gave an eye roll and middle finger to Riley once the darkness disappeared, turning her attention to Kayla. She listened to everything Kayla had to say with occasional nods, quickly committing the time and location to memory (not that it was difficult for her). Roughing some vampires up sounded like the perfect way to kill some time later that day - definitely a good way to vent after a long and rather boring week. She couldn’t wait. She stood up, stretching out her arms and completely ignoring what other people were saying, until Nina turned to talk to her. [quote=Nina]“Are you really going to go, Maya? What if someone gets hurt? I think this is really dangerous. I don’t want to abandon everyone but I don’t know.. I don’t think I could handle that.” [/quote] “Yeah, I’m going,” she replied with a shrug, before carefully placing a hand on the other girl’s shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. “You don’t need to come if you don’t want to, no one’s gonna force you. But think about it this way: these people tried to hurt Kayla, and will probably try again if we don’t do this. They ain’t the kind of people to listen to reason.” She removed her hand and jerked her head in Agatha’s direction. “Looks like you’re not the only one who doesn’t want to go… you could stick around here and help clean up or something. Don’t worry about it, anyway, I doubt people will really get hurt. I gotta go get ready but fire me a text if you decide to come, I can give you a lift.” Maya knew it probably wasn’t what Nina wanted to hear, but honestly it was much better than what she’d say in response to most people. Comforting or reassuring people was in no way her strong point but at least she’d [i]tried[/i]. She would’ve just told most people to fuck off with their worries. Damn getting attached to that way too kind, slightly younger woman. Before she actually went on to voice any of her thoughts she gave Nina a nod and a thumbs up, then headed out to her car. She had just enough time to get home and grab some shit before she had to head over. [hr] [code]Greenwood Estates [/code] Maya rolled up just a little bit after the two hours was up, completely changed cause she certainly wasn’t about to fight some vampires in a dress. She’d dug right into the bottom of her drawers to pull up a pair of black leggings and a black cropped tank top, from the days when she’d gotten into running for her ex. Honestly she looked like some white girl following the latest fitness fad and she knew it. But it was exactly the kind of look she was going for - perfectly not her. The black mask she wore added to the all black look, which she’d honestly feel disgusted for wearing if it wasn’t basically as a disguise. “I feel like I should’ve invested in a better bat,” Maya commented as she approached the small group that had already gathered, eyeing up Lyss’ aluminium baseball bat. Old she had was an old wooden one from bygone truant days when she first moved here - not that she expected to do much fighting with it when she had her powers. She continued in a joking tone, “I’m feeling a little inferior here.” She then turned to Riley, eyebrows raising as she noted the necklace and suddenly was incredibly glad for the mask blocking too much of the smell. “Really, you made a necklace out of garlic? What are you going to do, throw it at them? I somehow doubt they’re going to be effective on actual vampires.”