[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] Jess waited for an answer from everyone, but didn't get any takers. She and Elise got into her car and took off. First up was Elise's apartment. She went inside to her fairly clean apartment, the couch had a pillow and blanket on it, and a bag of things belonging to Molly was on the floor. She went into her room and put her books away, exchanging them for a journal and pen. She then changed clothes into easy to move in leggings and a red t-shirt. She grabbed a purple scarf, then returned to the car with Jess. She could have teleported, it was how she usually got home, but seeing as they were going to rumble today, she figured to save her stamina. [color=00aeef]"Alright. I'm ready."[/color] Elise quietly remarked. Jess held back a chuckle. [color=f26522]"If you don't mind, I'll get that scarf looking like a better disguise."[/color] Elise nodded, then the pair made for Jessica's house. Jessica and Elise went in. Jess was glad her dad wasn't home. He'd ask questions and she was running out of excuses already. She took Elise's scarf and sewed it to being a form fitting mask that looked a bit like a pulled up turtle-neck. It hid everything from the bridge of her nose down quite well. Jess then grabbed her mask, an old paintball visor her dad had gotten her for a birthday years ago. It had a black mask and an orange tint to the goggles. She changed into a light hoodie and jeans, covering more skin seemed like a good option against vampires. She put on a pair of her work boots that she always wore when LARPing She also took her bokken, wooden katana, with her. She figured it was better to stick with something that felt more like a sword. She wasn't used to swinging baseball bats. [color=39b54a]Greenwood Estates[/color] After the pair had suited up, they arrived at the meeting spot. They got out of the car, already wearing their masks. Jess had her bokken resting across her shoulders, held by her right hand, and Elise was hugging her journal to her nervously. [color=f26522]"Sorry I wasn't here sooner, had to fix Ellie's idea of a mask."[/color] She looked around at each of the girls that had already come. Someone was wearing a leatherface mask. [color=f26522]"Riley, is that you under there? That mask is badass!"[/color] She laughed, absolutely loving the choice. She also saw Maya, looking like a fitness model with a mask on. And Lyss, looking like a badass, per usual. [color=f26522]"Hey, nice bats girls! I appreciate the classic choice."[/color] She also noticed Claudette and Madison, who Maya had asked about what expect. Both Ellie and Jess were anxious to hear any details they could be given. Elise remained quiet for the most part, only offering a soft [color=00aeef]"Hello."[/color] When she had arrived. She was a ball of nerves at the moment. Her stomach felt clenched, and she had an obvious look of worry in her eyes. Her mouth, if it could be seen, would show a tight frown. She was not nearly as comfortable as Jess who seemed all for a fight. Elise had put her hair in a pony tail, then hid it under her mask and t-shirt down her back. Jess' hair was just as loose as always, sticking out here and their from behind her paintball visor. Elise only felt more nervous when Babylon and Emily showed up, but at least Babylon gave [i]a little[/i] insight. Elise quickly scribbled down what she had said in her notes. [color=00aeef]"Interesting... I also doubt that the mythology surrounding the vampires are accurate so the garlic seems nothing than a joke. I would assume they do not have an aversion to sun either if Kayla is confident they will come out to fight us now."[/color] [color=f26522]"Yeahhh. Makes sense Ellie."[/color] Jess humored her. She was just excited to throw down, and with present company felt like they could do it.