[center][hr][h2]Martha[/h2][hr][/center] Taking a side street that lead to her goal Martha stopped her cart and looked through the window of a small dealership that sold little [url=https://i1.wp.com/electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/02/e5ae9de9aa8fe100e5a496e8a782e59bbe-e1518109251156.jpg?w=1500&quality=82&strip=all&ssl=1]GM electric cars[/url]. It wasn't a large dealership but one of those places that was there so that internet buyers could drop by and test drive before placing an order and had only 8 cars to show the different styles. So she pushed her cart to the door and went inside to pick out a car. Small cars Martha was lucky that she wasn't 6'2" or she'd have had to pass and it took her 15 minutes for her to find out that under the front bonnet was the boot though still slightly cramped itself adequate for her needs. After finding the keys in the sales office she was soon tooling along at a crisp 75 kph and perhaps able to make 90 at best; clearing not made for highway use perfect for the narrow inner city streets of the city. So she arivved at her new hotel and found the elevators working and took her goods up to one of the penthouse suites and was stunned [hider=Sweet Suite][img]https://www.icosaka.com/wp-content/themes/ico2016/images/stay/room/service/2bed_premium_2.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.icosaka.com/wp-content/themes/ico2016/images/stay/room/service/2bed_premium_1.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.icosaka.com/wp-content/themes/ico2016/images/stay/room/service/2bed_premium_3.jpg[/img][/hider] It was lovely and once she moved her shopping goods to it she headed home and raided not just her own but several friends rooms for things she thought might come in handy leaving a note in each place encase they showed up here telling them she'd borrowed them and where she could be found. two rooms she raided she got a pair of powerful [url=https://gohunt-assets-us-west-2.s3.amazonaws.com/media/12-power-Vortex-Razor-HD-binoculars-on-tripod.jpg]tripod mounted binocular[/url] and a DJ light setup that had strobes and lasers. [center][hr][h2]Venus[/h2][hr][/center] Venus saw the others fly off but at this point didn't care because she'd seen some one moving in one of the stores nearby and went to investigate