[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200419/f1c9f7d86f4f465ba26e1938f4378690.png[/img][/center] It didn’t take long for the meeting to devolve into chaos and arguing, but then again that was the normal. Once Claudette had calmed everyone and Kayla had answered questions, it seemed like the meeting was coming to a close. Ellie suggested that Izzy come along to play support, and while she had really wanted to go to a party later tonight, Izzy knew pretty much everyone else in the coven was probably going to go. Of course, that just couldn’t stand. Izzy felt the fear of missing out hit her as everyone began their preparations. Maybe if they got done quick, she could still go? After all, the night was still young. Izzy took public transportation back to her apartment, it was her normal way of getting around. However, after looking up Greenwood Estates, it was clear she’d probably need a ride. Well, at least the two hour prep time gave her enough time to sober up. [s]Even though she’d really rather not.[/s] [hr] At her apartment, Izzy rummaged through her extensive closet. She needed something that didn’t make her stand out, which given her clothes, was nearly impossible. Plus she needed to take into account the fact that she might be going out after. Sighing, the red head crossed her arms and looked at all the clothes laying on her bed. Behind her, Izzy could hear her phone blowing up like crazy. It was a Saturday night after all, people wanted to have fun. Eventually she turned and grabbed her phone. Ignoring all the notifications, she pulled up a number and texted her favorite Uber driver. [i][color=C28285]you workin tonight?[/color][/i] [i]unfortunately yea, my bills are due[/i] [i][color=C28285]awesome, can you come pick me up in a few?[/color][/i] [i][color=C28285]i promise i’ll make it worth your time ;)[/color][/i] [i]sure thing princess[/i] [i]see you in a bit[/i] Excellent. Now that that is sorted, Izzy took another look at her clothes. Maybe she should just bring some with? [hr] [color=C28285]”Thanks for the ride, I’ll give you your reward when you pick me back up.”[/color] Izzy gave the driver a flirty wink as she put on her black mask and black Champion hat. She exited the sleek black car and waved goodbye before spotting the rest of the group and joining them. She had done the best she could dressing plainly. She had a sleeveless black Florida t-shirt with black shorts and pink sneakers. Her hair was formed into two twin french braids that went down to her waist to prevent hat hair. [color=C28285]”Wow, did everyone bring bats?”[/color] Izzy surveyed the group before taking out a small beige folding knife the size of her palm. She had gotten it as a gift from her uncle to protect herself, but she’s never really used it except to open mail. [color=C28285]”I just had this lying around. I hope that’s alright.”[/color] Izzy swung a drawstring bag from over her shoulder and rummaged around her change of clothes to pull out a water bottle. She took a long swig from it. For once, there was actual water in there, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a separate flask of vodka in the bag as well. [color=C28285]”Anyone want some? Don’t worry, it’s water. Gotta stay hydrated and all that,”[/color] She held out the pink plastic bottle to the group, and shook it as if to prove it was water.