[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nr5DCYX.png[/img] [hr][hider=Delphic - Colours of the Day][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OwSRp9Gw3w[/youtube][/hider][hr][hr] [/center] "... I can't put into words, I'm a huge fan!" "Oh, uh, thanks." Kimberly stammered out as she walked away from the ice cream shop with her partner in crime: Rowan Campbell. She was wearing jean shorts that were a few inches away from being wildly inappropriate, a wheat-colored shirt-sleeved button-up, and brown boots - and some sunglasses to protect her from the hot Florida sun. How somebody would recognize her out here was a mystery! More of a mystery than the ones she solves. She took a quick lick out of her ice cream cone. "I loved that episode where you fought the monster on the haunted bridge in Virginia... how do you get it to look so [i]real[/i]?" The fan asked. She was a girl with bright curly hair, glasses, wearing tights, and a T-shirt with some band on it that Kimberly didn't recognize. "Oh, I'm a special effect master," Kimberly said, "Been practicing that stuff all my life." "But, you look so young," The fan said. "... Well, my secret is that I have a team with me to make the show come to life!" Kimberly was quick to come up with a convincing answer. "They love the show like I do." She smiled widely. "Can I get a picture with you?" The fan asked. "Sure," Kimberly said, "Make sure you get in, Rowan." Her companion wearing a plain red T-shirt and jeans with combat boots got into the selfie and the two smiled. With Kimberly's smile being wide and she put the peace sign up while Rowan was merely half-smiling. The fan pressed the camera button and she all giddy said, "I'm going to put this [i]everywhere[/i]." "Great, glad you appreciated it," Kimberly said. "I gotta be somewhere, so... I hope you have a great day!" Kimberly and Rowan walked off from the fan. [hr] "... You know people are catching on, right?" "Yeah, I know..." Kimberly huffed as she shook her head. "People aren't stupid." The two walked down the busy streets of Tampa. It was the middle of summer and people were vacationing and were more or less minding their business. Kimberly lapped up a bit of her ice cream as she saw the beachfront. It was beautiful here... Florida truly was a near-perfect Paradise. Unfortunately, they weren't here for pleasure... even though Kimberly wouldn't have minded it. They were here for business, some cold-hearted business. They approached the beach for some privacy, as they rented a beach towel and an umbrella. Roughly planting it into the ground as they got their protection from the sun. Kimberly could watch the beach all day long... this was miles better than Farmer Hill. Though, she wondered how her abstraction hasn't changed yet. After some reflection, she realized that her own was rooted in how she felt boxed into Farmer Hill. Trapped even and desperately wanting the fastest way out - mixed with her life of photography of course. Now that she's escaped (not that there's much to escape from, the place is flattened) why hasn't her ability changed? "So, uh, Kim," Rowan asked, prodding the question. "I know you're having fun relaxing, but what's the plan here?" That was a question with no... simple answer if Kimberly had to tell the truth. They've been on this case for so long and they've been faced with some... grim realities. To tell the truth, she didn't know if there was a plan, but they had to find a way. She helped beat the Glutton, she'll bring a close to this. "We should probably head up to New Port Richey soon as possible," Kimberly flatly spoke. "Then we follow the trail until it leads us to her." "... Then what are we going to do when we find Annabelle?" Rowan said, "You know you can't beat her." "I'll find a way." "You keep saying that," Rowan chuckled. "Life always finds a way, yeah - but death will find a way this time." "I want to help her, Rowan, I really do." "But maybe she's too far gone." "It's... the curse," Kimberly said, "If we break it, we can bring her back... besides, this is like the first time we're a step ahead of her!" Kimberly smiled. "So, I think we'll go to the crime scenes-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rowan cut her off there, "Love ya' and all, but that's [i]not[/i] a good idea." "Rooooowan, let me finish!" Kimberly admonished him, "We go to the [i]old[/i] crime scenes and see where the Recollections take us." "Sounds like a plan," Rowan paused for a second before he asked, "... And what about Saul?" "Well..." Kimberly said as she played with her fingers for a second. "... We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now I think Annabelle is the main priority... I just really want to help her before she [i]really[/i] crosses the threshold, y' know? The point of no return. I think if she snaps she'll kill a bunch of people." "I hear ya'," Rowan answered. "... What about the others, y' know? The support group you told me about?" Kimberly sighed, "Well... Penny, Zoey, Min, and Hagan are missing. Justin and Tuyen are chasing after [i]another[/i] problem and I feel like it's not my place to ask them to help with my problem. I doubt we'd get help from Rita, Billy, Caelea or Rien... and even if we did they're all over the place. Besides, I think the two of us are more than capable." She said. "And..." Rowan said, "What about that Coven you heard about?" "Ehhhhhh," Kimberly shrugged. "Sure, let's give them a look in case they have something to do with Annabelle."