[center][sub][h3]Kayla[/h3][/sub][/center][hr] The hum of a diesel engine in the distance caught The Coven's attention. Old Ford truck, it's color faded from the sun and it's model easily older than anyone in the Coven was, a bit beaten and weathered- came to a stop by the group. In the passenger seat was Kayla and Oleander. Now, some of those without critical thinking skills might assume that Kayla had broken one of her own directives- to park a few minutes walk away. They would be correct, but the difference is that the vampires of Greenwood Estate [i]knew[/i] Kayla was coming. Her goal in having the rest of the group park out of the way was that, if things went south, they had alibis. Nothing was more attention grabbing than a convoy of vehicles and occupants wielding weapons from bats to... onions? Kayla furrowed her brow and regarded Riley's garlic necklace and antics with hidden humor, obscured only by a maroon bandana that covered her face. Her outfit was mostly the same as it had been before- but this time had forgone her typical leather jacket, wearing only her tank top and black jeans. However, she had taken a to a pair of leather gloves and what appeared to be steel toed boots. Wrapped around her forearm and secured in her grip was a chain. It [i]appeared[/i] she had no other weapon on her. "You're a bit confused, but I like the spirit." she commented to Riley, stepping out of her car and putting her weight onto one hip. She held the door open for Oleander, and shut the car door as soon as the dog had hopped out of the passenger's seat. "Thank you all for coming." she said, regarding all of them evenly. She took a moment to eye the weaponry each person had arrived with and had it not been the mask they would have absolutely seen how wide her smile was. "I take it none of you have done this before." she stated, her eyebrow raising as her half hidden expression fell into a smirk. "Alright, crash course," Kayla said as she reached out and took the end of Lyss' baseball bat, and with deft hands moved it to various points on her body. The first and foremost, across the sternum. "Aim here. The torso's a big place. You'll bruise 'em bad and break rips but you wont kill them." she explained, and then moved down, directing Lyss' bat to her knee. "This is also a good spot. You'll take someone out of a fight. And potentially cripple someone for life. It takes fifteen pounds of force to dislocate the knee. A bat can swing with over a hundred." She placed her hands over Lyss' and angled her hand upwards, placing the bat in the crook of her neck. "Collarbone is a good place. Easy to break. Across the back is good, too." she lifted the bat and held it against her temple. "Aim here if you intent to end someone's life. Girls, do not aim above the shoulders today." Kayla dropped the end of Lyss' bat and nodded to the other woman. "Remember, they arent expecting any retaliation. Just follow me, and follow my lead. Only jump in if you think someone on their side is going to. You follow me in there, you dont leave without everyone else. Now or never, girls." Kayla turned without another word and began walking into the Greenwood Estate, lifting her arm and making a 'follow me' motion with her hand. Time for heads to roll.