[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/IKqFKMY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7STnRDF.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/mW0NEim.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/imhENU4.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JbOW25x.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/p8vUgmN.png[/img] [h1]+ Kayla Foster[/h1] [hr][/center] "God damn it, woman!" "What!?" "We can't keep eating this crap!" "Well, how's that my problem!?" "We need blood now!" "You turned us into these things!" "Look at us, we're better than ever!" "Jimmy got his [i]fucking[/i] arm broken by a dog!" "That was a tough dog, I know!" The two heads of the new... "Vampire Clan of Florida" argued in the background while the entire living room was filled with various other vampires in their early to mid-twenties. Sitting around, eating potato chips, pizza, and the blood of cats and other animals unfortunate enough to get caught. They were smoking cigarettes. "Oh my God...." One of the female vampires said, "... They're like ruining our whole vibe here." "Shut up." Another one said. However, one of them watching the window hopped up and shouted, "It's [i]her[/i]!" They said as they saw Kayla approach and the arguing stopped. "That bitch that sold us the fake weed is here, Pa!" "Well, well, well..." The leader of the vampire Coven said as he walked up and looked out the blinds. "Dumbass is just coming right at us... Get mah gun." [hr] When Kayla walked up to the Greenwood estate "Pa" kicked open the door with a Remington twelve gauge slung over his shoulder and he had a grin on his face a mile wide. He was a massive man at six-six and had a huge pot belly and probably about two chins. He had a thick beard on and was otherwise bald, but when he grinned he revealed four sharpened canines. As he stepped out with a confident swagger the rest of his minions came out from behind him. "Heh, you gotta lotta nerve showing your face here again, bitch," Pa said as he swung the shotgun back over his shoulder and cocked it. "You hurt my boy so now we're gonna hurt you back." Kayla didn't miss a beat. She made it to the man just as he had stepped out the door and jabbed the man with fluid, precise fist to his throat. A strangled, gasping sound came from the vampire as he doubled over, hands clutching his throat by instinct in a vain effort to reestablish his ability to breathe. The chain in Kayla's main hand came loose as she released her hold on the end in her hand, and she swung the excess around the larger man's neck. She heaved, pulling the man forward by the chain from his already off-balance position and over into the dirt. Kayla stepped diagonally away as the man fell and grabbed the tail of the chain when he hit the ground. She pulled against it, planting her knee and putting all her weight squarely between the man's shoulder blades to pin him as she strangled him. "You wanna fuck with me?!" She roared, her eyes lighting up like molten metal in an inhuman, unnatural way- as if the devil inside her was waking up. "You wanna send some motherfucker after me?!" Kayla seethed, her ungloved hand lighting up as it began heating up like she was living magma. The end of the chain that she was holding began turning an eerie red- the heat trailing down each link ever so slowly towards the man's neck. [i]People at the door, Kayla[/i] a voice whispered in her head, and her anger was quelled, if only for an instant. She snapped her head towards the door and let out a low whistle, sending a snarling Oleander to guard watch her back in case more people came through. "Hey, get her!" One of the vampires shouted as they all hopped outside bearing fangs and claws. "... Ooooh, I like her." Babylon said amused as she watched the scene with a delighted smile on her face. This was just [i]tooooooo[/i] juicy just watching her assert herself. Perhaps she does have a spot in her future empire. Babylon laughed as she floated by Emily and cheekily rotated towards her host. "... What curse do you think would work best?" Hmph, Emily couldn't help but crack a smile herself. Kayla went straight for the jaw, just like Emily would. Except she would have done so much quieter... it would have carried a lot more meaning in her book. However, Emily crossed her arms as she thought about her odds before she raised her hand. "Hold off on the curses, Babylon." "Oh, why not help your friend?" "... Let's see where this goes, first," Emily said. "Remember what you told me." "But at least... fine," Babylon shrugged. A thick wall of smoky black darkness appeared between Kayla and the house the vampire Coven was in. Masking Kayla from sight and sound as Madison flew over with a dark-purple aura around her. Midflight Madison muttered, "The Jaws." Before transparent, ghostly, bones appeared around her taking the shape of some sort of eldritch armor made out dinosaur limbs and skulls. She landed a few paces away from Kayla and she looked her shoulder. "Got your back." She affirmed her. While Madison didn't approve of all of this chaos and bullshit, even she had to admit that it was pretty badass. Maybe she underestimated Kayla just a little bit. However, these motherfuckers were armed and she wasn't going to bet on Kayla suddenly having an abstraction that renders her bulletproof. Madison herself was unsure if she was bulletproof, but she bet her odds on the Jaws than Kayla's abstraction. Claudette winched when Kayla struck the patriarch but remained behind the tree, poking her head from the side to get a good view of it. If it got out of hand then Claudette would have used her abstraction to at least dampen her heat-based abstraction. However, she had a bit of trust in Kayla... she was the one who had to assert that nobody kills. For that, Claudette could respect her. The vampires began to pierce through the darkness and attack the Coven. One threw a punch Madison's direction and loudly yelped as fingers were broken. Madison just looked at him as she kept her hands in her pockets. "... Nice one." She threw a punch the way that sent him flying right back through the darkness. She peered over her shoulder and saw the freaks coming out of the [i]other[/i] trailers too. However, one of them was shirtless on the roof of the trailers with the confederate flag crudely painted on his chest (Classy). He had a bottle of some beer that Madison would never touch in a million years in one hand and a fucking katana or something in the other. He downed the alcohol before he started violently convulsing as he was covered in a thin layer of fur, his ears began large and pointy as his face extended a bit as new razor-sharp teeth filled his mouth. His arms stretched until they were skeletal and a thin layer of skin formed a batwing as his feet were turned into claws. "... Well, [i]that's[/i] new," Madison said to herself as she watched the transformation. Other vampires were transforming too and now Madison was glad that she came. She firmly planted her foot into the ground as she eyed the nearest one in the sky. She focused as she realized that she needed a little stress relief. She darted off into the air and grabbed the nearest flier and tossed him directly into the other one. "That rules out my theory," Babylon says as she shrugged as a few of them came at her. Babylon chuckled as with a mere wave of her hand a pentagram covered in a pink aura like fire appeared out of her hand and hit the ground. It exploded into a pink blast of energy as they stopped attacking her... and began to get a lot handsy with each other as they devolved into a mess of kissing and other inappropriate actions. "...That'll only work so much." Babylon said with a shrug. "Give me the fire curse," Emily ordered her. "I thought you hated that one," Babylon said. "Just do it," Emily said as Babylon lifted the lust curse and the vampire sex pile ceased and her red pentagram appeared over Emily's head. She crossed her arms. "Now... light this bitch." "Heheheehehehehe, with pleasure," Babylon fired a sigil at the ground and various glowing red "cracks" appeared before they started shooting out burning out flames. "You'd get the hell away from me if you knew what was good for you," Emily said as she casually walked through the flames towards Kayla... and didn't notice her outfit was catching flames itself. All that mattered was that she was tanking the fire with a demon by her side... and a burning pentagram over her head. If Kayla wanted to intimidate these people, then Emily was doing a helluva job because they were running away in fear of the two.