>[@Jasper19][@Azure Flame][@Bria The Human][@Sharidi37495][@Dark Light] [center][hr][h2]Yumi[/h2][hr][/center] [color=violet] " So uhhh do you get paid? "[/color] Yumi heard Lando ask She smiled her eyes displaying her delight [color=FF1493]"Yes but it isn't very much but then this is a position that is my responsibility from birth so I may say I get paid in the satisfaction of continuing the family traditions and one day hope to teach my daughter or son so it may continue"[/color] Turning sideways to them her movements are a graceful buyo (dance) as she makes an art of just offering a seat on the steps. [color=FF1493]"Please join me on the steps so we may talk and relax forI am certian with the revelation that this is not the sky we all fell to sleep under I may offer you if not explination at least a sence of peace pointing out that I have experinced benevolence here in how bright the shrine colors are and repairs done"[/color]