[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5116838][img]https://i.imgur.com/HrivtRc.png[/img][/url][hr][/center] Molly listened intently as Kayla ran through the [i]'beat down crash course'[/i]. She hadn't really been violent in her life. She was definitely much more passive and submissive; at least before Hraesvelgr. But even then, the improvements were minor. At least before activating her Mark of Dread. As the explanations came towards an end she felt her nerves having reached a peak, unknowingly growing as the demonstration went on. She noticed how her hands became clammy against the wood of the back she held much more firmly than she remembered. She took a few deep, quiet breaths in a futile attempt to calm her nerves. As things kicked off she was a bit taken aback. It all seemed to escalate so quickly. Though what did she expect? They did come here to beat the shit out of some vampires. She shook her head, trying to loosen the grip her nerves had over her muscles and to start moving. Everyone was doing their part. She wouldn't prove Emily right, she was useful to this group. She had a place here and she could prove it. Right here, right now. If only she could move. Will a burst of stubborn willpower Molly forced herself to move. Running into the [i]'battlefield'[/i] with bat in hand. She saw a smaller male off to the side that seemed to be waiting for an opening against one of the distracted girls and decided to go for him first; he seemed a size she could handle and not afford him the opportunity to attack one of her Coven members from a blind spot. Molly began a straight directly towards the male vampire, though his eyes snapped onto her as she approached. She nearly stumbled as her fright sky-rocketed, making her legs stiff until she had to come to a stop nearly ten feet from him. She held her bat like she would strike; but it was obvious in her eyes she was stiff with terror. What if she wasn't strong enough? What if her attack missed? How fast was he? The male before Molly could tell she was locked up in fear. Like the opportunist he was, he quickly lunged at Molly before she could compose herself. He cleanly struck Molly, splitting her lip and sending her back a few feet. As the searing pain scorched through her from her lip and how her body hit the ground instinct quickly kicked in. Without her acknowledgement her Mark of Dread activated, like a sense defense mechanism she had no control over in the moment. All that fear coursing through her suddenly ignited like jet fuel, burning pure energy throughout her entire body. She was no longer locked up, she was set free. A blistering warm rushed through her veins as she felt she was finally in control. The vampire scoffed, not realizing the change that took place within the girl he just struck down. Molly slowly rose to her feet, a smirk painted across her lips; confidence burning in her eyes. Slowly within the air around her thick, needle like blades began to form out of twisted bone. Though they deteriorated into nothing but ash as soon as they formed. Having reminded herself that she couldn't kill. The vampired blinked rapidly, seeming confused with what he just saw. Or if he even saw anything at all but maybe some spots appeared in his eyes and his blinking removed them. He decided he would put Molly down once more. He lunged at her once again, but this time she was ready. And the knowledge she attained from the Mark of Dread made it easy for her. As the vampires strike came thrusting towards Molly's face she easily ducked slightly to the side, letting it catch nothing but the air over her shoulder. With seemingly practiced precision Molly threw a powerful jab into the center of the Vampire's thigh. Striking the muscle with enough force to pinch it between her knuckle and his femur making it convulse in a spasm. He yelped in pain but was quickly silenced with a following upper cut, catching his jaw and slamming his mouth shut with enough force to crack teeth and lifting him off the ground. As he crashed to the Earth he was unconscious from the sudden, overwhelming pain. Molly observed the surrounding area, as she did twisted bone began to wrap around her fingers in a sort of brass-knuckle manner. As her eyes fell upon the first non-occupied vampire she could find she immediately burst into a full sprint towards him. He held a crowbar in his hand and quickly noticed Molly charging his way. Confident in himself he began to run straight towards her. As the were about the close the distance the Vampire took a swing at Molly, aiming for side of her head; though Molly didn't dodge this time. As the Crowbar came towards her sudden within the arm a wall of twisted bone and flesh appeared, blocking the crowbar with a bone crackling sound on impact. But Molly remained untouched. Successfully defended Molly easily slipped into close quarters. She send a strong, low jab into his lower rib; the bone-knuckles impact shattering his rib on impact. Though she knew this wasn't enough to put him down for the fight. With quick, fluid motions before he could recover from the first strike she went into her onslaught. Right fist to left hip, striking at the nerve and making it hard to stand, left first to broken rib once more to disorientate once more, step back into lung kick into center of right knee to dislocate and possibly shatter the knee cap, before he could fall over a final quick jab to throat to disrupt air flow; not enough to suffocate but definitely make it difficult for a few hours. As the male collapsed into a wheezing groan of man-baby she heard a rushing of wind coming at her from behind; the bat-like creature. Within a flash of a moment the knuckle deteriorated from around her fingers and was soon replaced by a large skeletal scythe. She spun around quickly, striking with seemingly practiced ease and removed half of the assailants left wing. The bat zipped pasted her without touching Molly, shrieking in pain from it's missing portion of wing before crashing into the packed dirt and into a tumbling roll. Despite the pain the creature began to push itself to its feet as if it weren't done fighting. Molly's scythe deteriorated and quickly replaced with five baseball sized balls that seemed to float around her. Without a motion the balls of bone soared through the air in a straight line, impacting powerfully into the creatures upper body with enough force to knock it on its ass and groaning.