[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/qbmkwD0.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Finally, some Chimera action!.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Greenwood Estates[/sub][/center] [indent] Sin was there, telling Heize to listen to her plan and she also added some conditions that needed to happen. At the corner of her eye she saw Elise back away from her but Heize's eyes were still locked on her. Sin snapped her fingers at the face of her summon and told him to listen, this is not going to work if they do not coordinate. "[color=#FFD700]About those conditions...[/color]" This was when Quinn started telling her Chimera her plan, to wait for her signal and not to kill anyone, he could hurt them real bad but not anything more than that. It would appear that things have already stared since the other members of the coven have already ran in. Quinn lifted her scarf to cover her face before looking at the box of medical masks that girl Miley- No... Molly brought. She shook her head and just walked passed it; she placed her hands behind her head and started nonchalantly walking through the chaos. "Hey!" Someone shouted, this guy was definitely not part of the coven. That and he was definitely a vampire. This scruffy looking man started circling her and Quinn stopped in her tracks, looking not amused at all. "Nothing special about you? Free meal for us then boys!" He exclaimed, before three more came from behind one of the houses. They started charging her and Quinn just took one step back without a care in the word. As soon as one of them got too close, Quinn snapped her fingers and exclaimed, "[color=#FFD700]Fieros![/color]" Which sent a fireball that arced from quite a distance, creating a distance between her and the four vampires. "[color=#FFD700]You really think I would let you have your way?[/color]" She asked in a sinister tone, the wall of fire between them was definitely making it hard for them to see her. Seconds later, from Quinn's side, Heize ran through the wall of fire and pounced on the scruffy one, swatting him away like a toy. The other two then went after him while one was creeping around the fire to surprise Quinn. Heize started fending himself off, tail whips and claw swipes to keep them at bay. The goat head on his back was still limp and still completely useless. Nonetheless he still held his ground before another two came running in, a big dude and scrawny looking one, that scrawny one looks like he will fly off if the wind was strong enough. Quinn could feel something, a sense of pride from her left, her eyes jolted to the side only to see this short haired, bearded vampire asswipe that had sprouted wings and flew towards her. Quinn was not the best fighter, only having decent fundamentals when it comes to combat and this should really test her. The vampire locked his arms around her neck and went for a bite, but Quinn's quick thinking had her elbow him in the face and judo flip him off; did not know she could that either, she was just as surprised as everyone else. The vampire and her started pacing each other, waiting for one to the first move. Quinn is flexible, but then again, no one really knows that, just like most things about her. Meanwhile, Heize was surrounded, he growled and snarled at all the vampires that surrounded him before, he then spewed fire once more from his mouth but went in a circular rotation to make a wall around himself. His eyes saw the scrawny one from between the flames and pounced on him immediately, the big one turned to him but was too late to do anything since Heize had already thrown him across the way, crashing into the window of a car that same beat up Honda Civic that Lyss grabbed a wrench by. The big guy then went into a rage and grabbed Heize around the neck in a headlock and he started struggling. This vampire was strong, definitely way too strong since he could handle a Chimera all by himself. This same big boy's claws dug into Heize and started growling in pain. Quinn was now in a one-on-one fight with this bearded vampire, exchanging blows with each other. Quinn raised her fists up and went for the stomach, this caused the vampire to reel and he backed up for a moment, at the same time the sigil on Quinn's arm started glowing and there was a stinging, burning sensation happening that definitely hurt quite a bit. Her eyes then saw Heize from between the flames who was just bitten by two other vampires while a big one held him down. "[color=#FFD700]No...[/color]" She whispered, as she started moving back, the bearded vampire saw this opportunity and flew at her, pinning her down on the ground, Quinn placed her hands on his head to keep him from biting her. Heize fell to the ground, but as soon as the lion went down, the piercing goat bleat escaped the goat head. The pain on Quinn's arm was now gone and she was able to elbow the vampire in the face causing him to get off. A smile grew on her face as she saw the goat head finally moving now. The lion now also rose up shaking his head like he was dazed. Quinn rolled up her sleeve to look at her sigil, it had now extended with more details on it. "[color=#FFD700]Took ya' long enough.[/color]" She said before going for kicks on the midsection of the bearded one. The goat head now started bleating, Quinn's sigil appearing over its head, seconds later another piercing bleat deafened the place and had all the vampires feel like their bodies were heavier than normal, a slowing spell that only lasted for fifteen seconds. Quinn then took this opportunity to go for one hard kick on the bearded one's ribs followed by pulling his head down and kneeing him in the nose, breaking his nose and knocking him out. Quinn ran over the Heize and kicked the big vampire below the belt, he then fell on the ground in pain as Quinn laughed, looking at Heize making sure he was okay. Quinn was panting pretty hard, although that bearded one may not have hit her, all that keeping him away along with the pain in her arm, and summoning Heize made it so that it was quite difficult to keep her energy. The goat then cast another spell, a cleansing one to stave off the vampire bites that Heize received. "[color=#FFD700]Heize... You're... You're gonna have to-... Have to... D-Deal with this... Yourself...[/color]" She let out, panting as she spat out her spit on the ground. one of the vampires that bit heize threw a rock at Quinn, hitting her in the shoulder, and boy did that hurt. She held her shoulder in pain and let out a grunt as she turned to face the guy, as soon as she did Heize had already whipped him with his tail towards another member of the coven, that guy... Henry- No... Herik. Heize protected Quinn, swatting at every vampire that came their way, her arm was bleeding, that rock was sharp. She started walking towards the other members of the coven to see if she could help them. Heize was letting out supportive spells from the goat head over and over again like slowing spells and wind spells to give the vampires a hard time. Quinn was walking pretty weakly, using Heize as support as few time as they walked together, but Quinn would trip up whenever Heize went on to slap a vampire. But then. [i]Bang![/i] Straight to Quinn's ankle, a gunshot from a vampire hiding behind a house, she fell to the ground in pain, clutching her leg as she writhed around on the ground. Heize snarled and shot a fire, the first one he actually set on fire purposely. The vampire that did was now rolling on the ground in pain as well. Heize was now defending Quinn. "[color=#FFD700]I'm okay bud... Keep them back, I'll... I'll supply you... You- You got this.[/color]" She said resting her palm on Heize's back leg. Heize was spewing fire and whipping vampires left and right. Quinn was weak, she is definitely going to need help soon. She was looking around, seeing if anyone was free, "[color=#FFD700]Ellie![/color]" She called out, but being too weak, and about to black out, her voice was not that loud. First time in her life that she was not loud, she called out once again, "[color=#FFD700]Elise![/color]" Please... Let that be heard. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [@RogueFox][/right][/sub][/color]