[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] “Yes Mom, I’ll be careful.” Scott said into the phone, for what must have been the tenth time since his mother had called him twenty minutes or so earlier. When he answered the phone, he was inundated by his mother’s enthusiasm about what she had witnessed him do the previous day. He had tried changing the subject several times, to his journey back to the East Coast, to the new apartment, as well as the progress that he and Eric were making with the club. However, it always came back to what happened the day before, and the precautions that he would have to take from here on out. As he and his mother discussed matters over the phone, the television broadcasted a press conference that was taking place in downtown Lost Haven. The volume was lowered, however, Scott could hear every word as clear as day. [quote=Raptorman] The voice that sounded was a rich and hearty voice, one clearly practiced and trained to carry and resonate. “I come before you today, people of Lost Haven, people of the state of Maine, people of the world who are watching, for two reasons. The first as I am sure you all know is the fall of the Gold Dawn space station. I could tell you about gross negligence, or allegations of conspiracies surrounding Mr. Midas and his station but I won’t. As far as I can tell that belongs in the tabloids.” “Instead on the behalf of myself and my family, as well as the other local employees of Macros International I wish to extend my thanks to the man who saved the city from the station’s fall.” Albrecht Macros continued as many in the crown nodded. “To the man who saved this city I extend my gratitude and thanks, for without his fortuitous intervention I would not be here to announce the newest step forward.” While the earlier platitudes and thanks had been designed to appease the masses and to appear human in the wake of the near disaster this line was less expected and attracted more attention. “What is this next step you ask? In truth it is quite simple; we at Macros International have always strived to introduce the very best and to bring the best to you, the people. And now I am pleased to announce that with the aid of our fellow allies in progress the Traupitz Biotech Institute we will be starting human trials on a treatment that has shown 99% effectiveness at curing cancer in animals.” This announcement was predictably met with a thunderous amount of applause. “We-” The corporate giant had barely begun to continue the next stage of his speech when he was interrupted by thunderous cracks of sound. There was little time for anyone to react, yet alone figure out what had caused the sounds, but in their aftermath perhaps a dozen men and women in the audience simply toppled over with no visible wounds. Predictably the crowd began to panic, but the shock had only begun to set in as the guards who had surrounded the platform began to move to hustle their employer off to the waiting vehicle for extraction. However before they could do more than begin to move another series of the thunderous cracks sounded and the rest of the security forces simply dropped in much the same way as the members of the audience had. That was when the screaming began. [/quote] “Mom, I’ve got to go. Something’s going on in town.” He said as he hung up the phone. There was a sudden whir of motion, as Scott quickly changed out of his civilian clothes and transformed into the blue and silver clad hero that had come to be known as Icon. After opening the large double windows that ran across the roof of his apartment, he took flight, and within seconds was soaring over the city. He may not have known exactly what was happening at the press conference, but he knew that he had to stop it, before more people were hurt. He rocketed away from his apartment toward City Hall, where the press conference had been taking place. He only hoped that he could get there in time to prevent any more damage from being done. As he approached City Hall, he saw the scene unfolding before him. He watched as a lone figure in gold and white armor emerged from a strange craft and quickly eliminated Macros’ security staff with deadly efficiency. As he got closer, he saw the attacker turn his head, as if somehow he knew that Icon was coming. The attacker quickly turned with a weapon raised and fired off a bolt of energy in his direction. Before he was able to move, the bolt hit him, the resulting impact lit up the sky in a fiery explosion. However, Icon was undeterred as he continued on his path to intercept the attacker. As Icon got closer, he saw the attacker ignite what he could only describe as a sort of laser sword as he closed in on his target, Albrecht Macros. Before the attacker could strike down the businessman, Icon touched down just behind the gold and white armored attacker. [b]"That’s enough! Don’t take another step."[/b] Icon said as the assailant turned to face him.