[center][URL=http://s496.photobucket.com/user/dreamingflowers1992/media/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png.html][IMG]http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Mila dodged another barrage of flying debris and stone, realizing she couldn't keep this up forever. Like many of of the others employees of Bain & Hoyle the Rusalka was also knocked off her feet by the shockwave of the Anubi. She had managed to douse most of the flames but it did not stop the flying rocks or the wave of energy ripping through the halls. The impact rivaled the one she'd experienced colliding the bookcase, the same numbing sensation coming from her back on which she landed. She struggled to get up, trying to catch her breath. Leaning on a large piece of the fallen structures Mila spotted one of her team members, she was down on the ground, an improvised bandage on her leg. Mila doubted she could move very fast on her own and if their situation wasn't perilous enough Isis's warning made it even more so. Thousands scarabs crawled on the walls like a sea of shimmering turquoise. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. If they reached them before they could make it to the other side beyond the Anubi they were done for. To die of a scarab was a horrible way to go. She had been told they would eat you from the inside out. While she wasn't afraid of death, on the contrary really she was ready for it. Being eaten wasn't her preferred way to go. Before she went to help the elven necromancer, Mila made a crazy dive back into the fray to fetch her comb. Her most prized possession in a desert such as the ones in Egypt. Making a run for it she gracefully evaded a pair of scarabs flying at her. She reached the elven necromancer and had to catch her breath before speaking. "Are...." "You alright?" She said with a serious look on her face. The Rusalka saw the stone man who had been afraid of flying march past them in a steady but slow pace. Maybe it would be best if he took the elf with him. His name was Adam, or so she remembered. "Adam!" She called to him. "Can you take her with you? We're faster that way" The sooner they were through the gates the better.