[b]NAME:[/b] Jane Franzese [b]AGE:[/b] 26 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]SEXUALITY:[/b] Heterosexual [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Sarcastic and short-tempered with a low tolerance for the simple-minded, to put it kindly. Most often than not, Jane is rather vocal whenever she feels the need to get the message across. Friendships come and go, and therefore Jane does not mind the least bit to use people if it is beneficial for her in any regard. She finds humor where others will not, but she knows when not to alienate herself as to not end up at a disadvantage from being outnumbered. Maybe she'll let her personality shine through to those around her, or maybe she'll play the part of an angel and make just about anyone believe the facade. [hider=APPEARANCE] [img]https://www.bolde.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/iStock_000075222233_Small.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=EQUIPMENT] Her backpack. In it, one can find the Glock she pried out of her dead father's hand. She also has a flashlight and a pack of batteries, a switchblade, a first-aid kit, numerous food items such as canned goods and granola bars, and water. Items sometimes get traded, but the one thing that remains constant is the gun. [/hider] [hider=ALIGNMENT] [-3] Jane's tattoos multiply and come to life whenever she experiences increased levels of stress. They take on a physical form, establishing a protective barrier around her. Her tattoos consist of roses, thorns, and other plants. The flowers, which harden dramatically upon release, are there to shield her, while the thorns lash out in offensive strikes to main or kill an opponent. Jane has some control over her tattoos, although they develop a mind of their own if Jane isn't doing too good of a job protecting herself. If a plant is damaged, then it simply ceases to exist and it will slowly reappear on her skin to allow some time to regenerate. [/hider] [hider=BACKSTORY] With a rather rough upbringing, Jane wasn't the pretty little princess other young girls were made up to be. She was only 8 when one of her father's rivals kidnapped and assaulted her. She wasn't the same after that, and the family knew it, especially her father, Don. He was a very successful underboss up to that point, but ultimately, it was his own careless that led to his demise. Soon after the incident, Jane was placed into therapy with some of New York's finest psychologists. Numerous sessions, however, did not stop the nightmares from popping up as they pleased. Jane would wake up screaming in the middle of the night covered in sweat with her hair a matted mess, and she could not stop crying after each occurrence. Such late-night horrors caused her life to derail. Her grades slipped well below the average for somebody with her level of intelligence, and she avoided both friends and acquaintances alike at school or out on the streets. Her teachers had countless meetings with her parents, but they would discuss the fact that she was already in therapy and not much else could be done. As the years went by, Jane started acting up in an aggressive manner. What started off as frequent shoving incidents suddenly led to fights, eventually leading to the young girl's suspension after many repetitive episodes. Only a teenager at that point, Jane got bored of being at home and snuck out whenever she felt like it. She started hanging out with the wrong crowd and soon started drinking, smoking weed, and being involved in petty crimes. She was arrested twice during such period, but after some time she decided she didn't want to be in the spotlight anymore. She'd realized she wanted to find the man who had turned her world upside down, and she wouldn't stop. Hate was the key factor that drove her, and her thirst for vengeance consumed her to the point that it nearly drove her mad. [/hider]