Mason rifled and picked and poured over the pocket of poor Isaiah Relgo. He's too high at the moment to fully understand that he's digging through the pockets of a dead man. He's barely cooled and Mason figured maybe he has something that can be useful. You never really know. He'd seen holo-vids in the past, some guy important to the plot dies. And no one thinks to check the guys pockets, until sometime later when someone asks, [i]Where's the special video card?[/i] and the answer is always, [i]Oh shit! It's in Pappy's pocket...we left it on his dead body![/i] Sure this is no holo-vid, but hey he figured it'd be interesting. He'd never looted someone before. And those times some joy seeker hadn't paid him after a good hard lay don't count. That's just making sure you get your fair price. Trav told him that. Mason continues to loot pulling out some blood stained neo-bucks, he's loath at first to pocket those. He shakes them out, trying to get rid of some of the blood. He then takes a shaky breath, folds them into a wad and stuff it into an inner pocket. The Fuck...why is this guy carrying a USB around. And damn he didn't bring his portable lappy with him like he does sometimes, he'd be able to check the thing or something like that. But well into the pocket that goes. With a soft sigh he takes the picture in hand. Lucidity coming to him as he looks at it, "Fuck son..." He whispers. After abit he pockets the picture, then looks up at everyone, "Well then...water stores it is. We better get moving." He nods dusting himself off as he stands up. As he gets to his feet Mason suddenly takes in a deep breath. It's not quite a voice, but a feeling and a inner...sound? Or inner musical note. Four of them actually. Mason bends over slightly hands on his knees, and it's like everything for the little man slows. He can hear it...four...voices...awarenesses...aspects of being. He can hear them...feel them. He tips his head up and can see them! Four...great...big beautiful, fucking incredible beings! One speaks as time seems to stand still for Mason, "Will you look at this little piece of shit here? Look at him brothers. Seriously just look. This one. Of all of the people on this fucking trash pit of a planet, and he's the one." A second speaks, "Gotta admit the guys got a huge set of balls to be the one." A third, "Look at little cuck. What the actually fuck, like a huge set of cajones on you, you little piece of sewer scum. To think our brother would choose you." And finally the fourth, "Alright alright! So he's not the first choice! Fuck you three and the turd ponies you all rode in on. For fuck sakes it is my choice to make and I choose this little turd burgler." The fourth being looks down on Mason, "Don't fuck this up kid. You've got my eye on you. Use my gift." To Mason it's like the song of the universe for abit, a real existential moment. It wasn't actually awarenesses, but like forces, making noises he could understand. It's sure as hell not the Yellow he shot up earlier. Time restarts. Mason gasps. Straightens up, and with something like a thrum Gravity around him for about ten meters...[b][i]TWANGS[/i][/b], between seconds it goes from too little, too to much then right back to normal as if nothing happened within a span of moments. Mason stands there looking about him, "What the fuck..." Is all he can say, he then starts walking, "Water Stores...right...I'm going." He's seen them before. Best he can do is go there right now. And try to figure out what the hell just happened as he goes. It's all he can think of at the moment. What the hell just happened with Gravity and those water stores. Just go go go! It's all he can do right now, because he feels if he doesn't things are going to go insane!