[b][center]Suzaku Uzumaki[/b][/center] [b][center]Leaf ANBU, codename Fox[/b][/center] Suzaku carefully listened to the instructions from the Hokage. Delivering a couple of documents should be a rather easy task for him to accomplish, but he still had to be on his guard. If an ANBU operative was entrusted with the documents, they must be of great importance to the Leaf Village. He stayed for a while, as he already started to plot the best path to take to The Land of Lightning. He would do best to follow the trade routes, as they were guarded better than most other routes. As Hisoka-sama gave a mission to Harumi, his fellow ANBU operative a mission, he was about to leave as well. Just as she was leaving by changing into countless sheets of paper, he decided to take his leave as well.[b]" I won´t let you down, Hokage-Sama. Sakamoto-sama ..."[/b] he spoke up, saying the last words as a polite, respectful goodbye to Sakamoto. A second later, he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Reappearing in his flat, he picked up the few things he decided will aid him in his mission. He took the mast from his face and strapped it to his belt. He would not be needing it while in The Fire Country. Donning his traveling cloak over himself, covering the mask and making him stand out less, he was ready to head out. He pulled the cape on his head, covering his face but maintaining good vision. While in The Fire Country, he will move using classical means of travel. As soon as he leave the borders, he will use The Body Flicker Technique to increase his pace. Taking a deep breath, he disappeared in another puff of smoke. Appearing on the main gate of the village, he gave it another short look before leaping off ... towards The Land of Lightning.