During the battle, Kjolmar and Neo focused on dealing damage rather than avoiding it. Because of this, Neo took a few hits but luckily they weren't fatal. Kjolmar was glad that the Galarian version of Ponyta did not seem to be the fire type, that would have made the battle a lot harder for his steel type. Not having the fire weakness covered made him think. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to only bring Neo to Galar. He quickly took his rotomphone to send a text. "Could you send over one of my water types from previous regions in about half an hour?" After sending it, he focused on the battle again. Neo was definitely a hard hitter and it almost felt cruel to bash that unicorn-looking creature. What the group didn't know was that they were being watched by someone in a Team Rocket outfit. The person took out a rotomphone of his own and informed someone about the battle in front of him. "I am pretty sure, miss Sierra. It's him. This is going to take more just a grunt like myself, I think this situation requires all three of you." After briefing to this Sierra person, the Rocket grunt disappeared. Meanwhile the battle was coming to an end. "Flash cannon!" Kjolmar shouted to Neo in the hope to finish it.