[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY0NjIwNi5TR1Z5YVdzZ1EyeGxkR2x6LjA,/california-street.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Herik barely reached the table before Ellie grabbed him and they were gone. His stomach lurched, he vomited on the concrete, the fresh air cleared out his lungs, and his eyes stopped burning. He coughed up the rest of his breakfast and looked up through blurry eyes just to not see Ellie. She went back. He leaned against the wall to wait get himself together and wait for her to come back, but she didn't. Alright, time to get up. He stood, legs wobbly and his shoulder worst for ware. He didn't think the ace bandage worked anymore. He walked around the corner and recognized he was a mile away from the casino at a convenience store. Okay. It shouldn't take him long to get back. The girls were in trouble and it wouldn't do if they did something to irreversible. The we wasn't on the same street he parked his car for his run. Damn. He would have gotten back quicker if he was. He was half way to the casino when he realized he didn't have his car keys anyway. He set them down on the bar counter...he thinks. Now's not the time, he'll figure it out later. It took fifteen minutes to get back just in time to see Maya and Lyss walked back inside and the FBI truck was down the street. So they left and no one was hurt, right? He hoped so. He jogged inside, everyone was around the table. Emily was yelling about her cuffs. The mood was somber at best. Half the members looked worse for ware. He took a seat at the table and listened to Lyss explain what happened. They got in trouble for the vampire incident yesterday. It was a bad idea after all. He sighed, of course it was. Violence didn't get anyone anywhere and now their lives were on the line. If they messed up again they'd end up dead. He took a deep breath in and let it out. This was a lot more than he bargained for. He wanted friends to practice magic with. Now they're on the radar of the government and could potentially die. If he goes, then who will look after his mother? What happens if she wakes up and he's dead? He didn't want to think of her grief. Tears welled in his eyes at the thought of her being alone. He's all she has. No other family than just them. "I agree with Lyss. We've had trouble two days in a row. I don't want anything to happen to any of you. So far our actions almost got us killed. I think we should avoid funerals for at least another sixty years." He might have to bury his mother if he can't figure out how to help her, he doesn't want more lives lost, especially to senseless violence. They needed structure, rules, like in wrestling. Illegals moves were called and could lead to disqualification. They needed something like that. "What if we had rules for when we do things and when we don't, and for how to handle situations like today? If Lyss is correct and there might other groups out there that might come for us we don't want to be unprepared."