"So, anyways, the name's Spruce, and, uh, it seems like you two just joined the guild." I end up saying to the duo nervously before I hear a crash, a fire, and then some water spilling. A magnemite then enters the room, apparently dazed, confused, or something. "Uh... hi? You seem new here. My name's Spruce, and I'm trying to start up a team... though... I'm kinda the only member, so far." I then say to the new guy, though, I say that last part a little more softly than the rest of the sentence. I didn't mumble it, but I almost said it as if I didn't want anyone else to know. Of course, I was surprised at how nobody reacted to me being Vine's brother, but I decided to keep them in the dark, not really wanting to bring that up, and then have anywhere from one to three fanboys/fangirls asking me if I knew where he was. Arnold and Archie thankfully wouldn't ask, they already knew better than that, but these newbies might actually be fans of him, or something. I then kind of wonder what happened out there, and walk over to the door just to open it a little bit and look outside of it. The place seemed to be in pure chaos with water, steam, and mud all over the place. There also appeared to be a flattened grimer a little to the left, for some reason. I didn't know how I didn't smell that thing when it was on its way here, though. Apparently, there was a braxien and a turtwig arguing about something near the now-slightly-burnt couch, and various others scattered about... what the heck happened?