Haruna sat quietly under the tree of her new home. School children passed her by and she didn't pay them any mind. Of course, there wasn't anyone to tell her that she shouldn't reside there or when to run to school. She lived alone. The village had been gracious enough to appoint her someone to make sure she had her basic needs. Unfortunately, it was only the basics. Hiyaritoshita (Hiyari-san) only spoke to Haruna when scheduled to. Their interactions made her feel like a plant. Just make sure she had her light, her water, food, and nothing else. It didn't matter. Haruna treated this all the same. Just means to an end. "Play their game... Play it until the right piece is on the field." She thought to herself. Her visible eye fixated straight ahead at the gates to the town. Her mind always lingered to her home. The smell of ore, the soot that her and her family were always covered him. The sound of the wind turbines. The little things like children running along dirt road in their sandals was the music box tune she loved. If only it was still there. Her eye wandered to her hands. The fact that she was here and they were because of her ability killed her inside. "Why didn't everyone have the Chrysalis?" Another thought poked her in her side. "Why am I here?" A series of sad thoughts filled her mind. Dragged her further away from her light memory and the feet running by. More pain filled her head, along with screaming. The cold filled her deep down. The motivation was slipping further and further away. "He'll pay!" A voice within rang out. The rage within centered her again. There was no time for pity or sadness. There was only time to get revenge. Haruna's lean body rose up from the ground. Her walk started off like a stalk of a ghoul. Her arms low to the ground, her back in a hunch, and head fixed in the direction she should go. Haruna had no concept of time or importance, just a where and that she wouldn't be alone. (She was very late)