Despite the battle going in the right direction, Kjolmar had to drop out in order to get to a poke center. His old mentor decided to accept his request to send one of his water type Pokemon over to Galar but only if he was able to receive it within the next ten minutes. Frustrated with his mentor's stubbornness, Kjolmar apologized to Aro and Lark and rushed off to the nearest poke center. As soon as he received his loyal Pokemon called Caliban, he ran back to where the battle was, fully aware it could be over by now. He tried not to be too bothered by it, at least he now had Caliban back on his team. Caliban had a power that resembled the one from Neo so that would definitely make up for Tweener's lack of experience. What Kjolmar didn't know was that he was being followed by 3 Rocket Leaders, informed by the grunt earlier. The woman of the trio was called Sierra and she brought her Houndoom. The buff guy next to her was called Cliff who brought a Tyranitar. Then there was the third one, Arlo, he travelled with his Scizor. It was unclear what the trio wanted with Kjolmar or the others but getting on Team Rocket's radar was never a good thing. Unaware of his followers, Kjolmar rushed to Aro and Lark. He was exited to introduce them to Caliban but he was even more exited to see if the battle was still going. "Guys! Is it over?"