[Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjdlYTZhZS5UR2xzYVhSb0lFdHBibWR6YkdWNS4w/lauliya-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] With everyone grouping up to abandon ship, where was Lilith Kingsley during all this? She was already up walking around the area when Penny's first announcement sounded through the intercoms. The delinquent did sense everyone else was on the boat too, and a few newcomers as well. But she didn't join them yet, not yet. Taking notes of what she knew so far, she searched for any apparitions on board to either negotiate or divert their attention away from the others. Probably the latter, if anything. The second transmission echoed through the ship. Right, best to wrap things up and go. Lilith didn't really hurry to the bridge, but wasn't surprised they were starting to get the lifeboats ready. She silently hoped they didn't think she was dead already. Which is ironic concidering she [i]only[/i] could hope silently. Damn her muteness. She stepped into the bridge, waving to everyone else inside. [color=cadetblue][i]"Yo! Sorry I'm late, did a perimeter check for any apparitions."[/i][/color] Lilith signed, not bothering to write in her notebook. [color=cadetblue][i]"How's everyone doing?"[/i][/color]