[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SKlMCUQ.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [quote=Finn][color=LightSteelBlue]"Is...is everyone...okay?"[/color][/quote] "Think my spine almost came out my asshole," Hagan stated, "But I think I'm fine." His arm was stinging, so was his core, yet he was still able to push himself back to his feet. Okay, the kid - Trent he heard him get called - was in a rush to hop into the lifeboat. While Hagan had his reservations about how [i]safe[/i] it'd be - whatever hit the boat was more than capable of crushing the lifeboat - they honestly ain't have too many other options as it stood... he figured that if cruise ship workers can figure out how to drive these things. So can they. [quote=Caelea][color=6ecff6]“Someone can learn to drive. Everyone get in that boat, [i]right now[/i]. That includes you, Hagan. Get on.”[/color][/quote] "Sorry, squirt," Hagan softly said with a sigh as he rubbed his hands together. This was tough for Hagan to say but he merely wanted the best for everyone here. "... Someone's gotta pull that lever and I think it's best if it's me. I doubt someone's [i]gonna fall from the sky[/i] that'll solve..." ... And that's what more or less what happened when some broad in a beanie walked up and announced that she could. Hagan raised an eyebrow at her.. if he was a bit more paranoid, he'd suspect that this was a bit [i]too[/i] convenient. Except she didn't look like the malicious type... though with that grin he was starting to have his doubts. Still, he was going the chick the benefit of the doubt - just like he was going to give the same to Caelea. [quote=Caelea][color=6ecff6]“I’ll be back soon. All of you stay here and get ready to leave.”[/color][/quote] "Stay safe, squirt," Hagan said... Caelea was tough. Tough enough to survive whatever this ship had to offer, however, he had to survive this. And with his abstraction, he would have a better chance at defending the group from whatever came their way. He nonetheless got in but he kept his eyes on Isla... "I got my eyes on you." It wasn't long before a shockwave hit the boat and they began... sliding? "... Are we moving or is that just me?" [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ylHPwMt.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [quote=Penny Lawson][color=goldenrod]“...I’m sorry.”[/color][/quote] "... If anyone's on the boat they would have come here by now," Odessa said, staying behind to stick with Penny. Her words were meant to be reassuring but her tone was a bit more snappy. That smile had turned flat and her expression was... cold. It was probably after the injury she sustained but who knows? Everyone else had left but something was keeping her here at Penny's side. It was ambiguous to Penny and most likely ambiguous to Odessa herself. "I can detect when Extra-Normals are nearby, after all." There was something inside of Odessa that didn't fear her death or at least death in its present form. Which was why she wasn't really in the mood to hustle after Penny when she left. [i]I'll find my way back[/i] Odessa thought to herself... before another shockwave hit the boat like a bomb went off. Odessa's stride was broken as she fell onto her face. "... Are you okay, Penny?" Odessa asked as she forced herself back to her feet. She merely brushed herself off... as the whole boat began to tilt. That tingle in her head went off and alerted Odessa of the Extra-Normal occurrence. The being that attacked the boat had rocked its way through the lower decks of the ship. With every crash, the thing sent shockwaves through the rest of the boat and then the boat broke itself in two... the two separate pieces began to collapse in on itself. "Oh no," Odessa said as she began sliding downwards. Her hand turned a planty green color as three massive vines began to sprout from her hand. They stretched far enough to reach the end of the hallway and attached themselves to the doorway. So when Odessa could no stand on stable ground, she switched to hanging. She sighed out of relief... [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9JVtW3z.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] Instead of standing on the deck like a moron, Zoey quickly turned around and ran back towards the deck. Maybe somebody else would have an idea of what to do. If not, Zoey was going to make a fucking iceberg and ride that shit back to shore. Anything would be better than staying on this boat with a potential murder monster. Zoey was about to haul ass back to Penny! [quote=Caelea][color=6ecff6]“Zoey! We’ve got a lifeboat set up on the other side… We gotta go.”[/color][/quote] [i]... Speaking of ass.[/i] Zoey thought to herself as she came to a stop. Thank God that they had better luck than what she did... "Damn right we gotta get out of here," Zoey said. "Let's g-" That was when the second waves of impacts began to hit the boat from the bottom to the top. Then there was the hellish sound of wood and metal twisting and grinding... before the boat began collapsing inwards. Zoey screamed as she lost her footing and forgot about that cool ass abstraction of hers as she began to fall into the abyss.