[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE3OC42YThhOWEuUm1sdWJHVjVJRkp2ZHcsLC4wAAAA/hello-bunny.demo.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/73/9b/0e/739b0ea1a5e90b34802feed48f862a1c--androgynous-haircut-androgynous-girls.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Finley had squeezed their eyes shut, trying to come to terms with what was about to happen to them. Drowning couldn't be the worst way to go...right? And maybe if they were lucky they would hit their head on the way down. They could feel the tremble in their arms, the slow slipping of their fingertips on the metal railing. [quote=Trent]"Grab on!"[/quote] The voice of their friend pulled Finley out of their grim observations. They slowly opened their eyes, still squinting in the stinging sea wind, to see a chain dangling in front of their face. But it wasn't just a chain...it was...a weird chain? Finley's eyes traced up the chain, finding it's origin point in Trent's hand. No...not in his hand...but coming out of his hand? Trent hadn't told Finley about his abstraction, but this was not the time to be curious. They took a shaky breath, begging silently to their arms not to give out now. With a tremble Finley pried one of their hands off the railing, grabbing onto the chain and giving it a wrap around their wrist, hopefully a safety net incase they let go. Yeah, a broken wrist would suck, but drowning would suck more. Once they felt secure in the chain they let go of the railing, the chain swinging with the momentum. Finley fought the urge to hyperventilate, free swinging over the edge, only being held up by their friend and their own weak arms, was absolutely terrifying. After a few anxious stutters Finley tried to speak. [color=LightSteelBlue]"O...ok...I'm..."[/color] But was only able to squeak out that as the chain was suddenly being hoisted up. If this situation wasn't so dangerous, it would almost be funny. Finley felt like a worm on a hook, or a shitty prize in a crane machine. It didn't take long for Finley to be lifted up and into the lifeboat, falling to the floor of the lifeboat, just thankful to have something solid beneath their feet. They squeezed their eyes shut and gasped for a moment, unable to hold back the panicked breathing now that they were 'safe'. In between gasps for air Finley was able to struggle out a [i]thank you[/i] in the direction of Trent and Hagan. Trent had saved them, but it was obvious the two smaller teens wouldn't have been able to do it on their own.