[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ylHPwMt.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] When Penny grabbed onto Odessa there was a brief pause as her jaw was slack and she couldn't help but frown. She solemnly sighed as she tried to hide that innate melancholy from Penny. Hiding it behind her usual smile and demeanor that she attempted to force. She took that as the cue to hop to the other side and wrapped her free limb around Penny as she held herself in place using her abstraction. With another solemn sigh, her arm completely converted into wood with bits and pieces of her shoulder as her arm extended and she mock-repelled down. Her arm had formed a mass of several wooden vines as they lowered into the water, the distance of which wasn't that far given that the ship was already going down. "... I hope everyone made it," Odessa said, her tone was a bit lower and not so confident as she usually was. She wished that she could go back to check for the others, but with how the situation went... that was just suicidal. It was harsh but if they were still on the boat they were good as dead. Odessa's feet collided with the top of the lifeboat. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9JVtW3z.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [quote=Caelea][color=6ecff6]“Let’s do it… anything’s better than drowning. I’d rather be on a floating ice block than trying to swim.”[/color] [/quote] Jesus, Caelea agreed to Zoey's plan? Honestly, her head was spinning, ears were ringing, and her entire body was in pain... She had to admit it was a stupid fucking idea, one made when her head was [i]killing[/i] her. However, maybe it was crazy enough to work. Or Caelea was out of it as she was. "Alright... let's give it a shot and hope nothing..." Zoey hissed in pain as she stuck her hand out and summoned a ball of snow and damn near slammed it against her head. It provided some relief, enough to make her think a little clearer. The water had hit the ice block they were standing on and Zoey used her abstraction to snap it off the wall (... floor?). Zoey's balance was knocked off as it fell a bit but she was able to get her balance. They began rising upwards and the plan was going well so far... [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SKlMCUQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9JVtW3z.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ylHPwMt.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] "Whew." Hagan wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead as the squirt was pulled onto the boat and the day was saved. "Nice work, kid," Hagan said to Trent, he had to give it to him, he saved the day there. Hagan coulda did it himself but there was something he was missing as the boat finally hit the water and that weirdo with the beanie came back. He couldn't... "Shit!" Hagan said as he looked as the boat was almost in the water. As far as he could tell; Penny, Zoey, and Caelea were still on the boat! Fuck! He left them behind, but... there was nothing he could do about it now. The boat was gone and if they were still on- He heard a loud bump above them and immediately looked and saw that spooky-looking chick in the robe and Penny... with the spooky chick creating a giant vine from the edge of the titanic to their little lifeboat. Hagan raised an eyebrow as her arm went back to normal. "Ooooookay," Hagan said to the two, "Glad to see you're okay, what about Cealea and Zoey?" Odessa shrugged as she let go of Penny and was quick to maneuver over to the entrance and hopped inside - Hagan stepping aside. "I didn't see them, but I still sense a few Extra-Normals in the area." "... Whatever that means," Hagan said as he shrugged. ".... YOOOOOOOO!" Hagan heard as he turned his head to see Zoey and Caelea... on a fucking block of ice. Now, Hagan's seen some shit and he ain't a stranger to the strange, but ever since "coming" here, shit's been getting weirder and weirder. The boat was pretty much sunk... and Hagan wondered how deep the water went because they weren't [i]that[/i] far away from shore and it was sinking like it was out in the open sea. The ice block drifted towards the lifeboat and the two hopped on. Odessa just found herself a place on the boat. "Whatever," Hagan shrugged as he climbed to the cockpit. "Anyone knows how to pilot one of these things?" That was when Odessa felt it... its presence. The [i]apparition[/i]. From the remains of the cruise ship, there was a massive splash of water in all directions as something came from the remains. And when the water faded... there it was; it was not human or even corporeal. It was like one of those Apparition things that Hagan heard mentioned on the Snapchat group a few times. It was spindly, humanoid, about fourteen feet tall, without a feature on its body. Its limbs were abnormally long, almost touching the ground, and the whole thing was made out of a moving black smoke. It had no head, it was hunched over so it's true height was hard to tell. Its hands were massive, probably big enough to completely crush Hagan's torso with just a grasp and each finger ended sharp and pointy like a claw. By comparison, its feet were tiny and human-like, but not like it was using them - it was hovering up and down over the water. "... Not this fucking thing again," Zoey said. "Someone get this boat started!" Hagan shouted as he ran to the open door. Just in case it did something Hagan had a plan... not one that he liked, but it was enough to buy them some time.