[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjcwYjI5NC5VM1JoWTJWNUlFZHlZWGtnLjAA/roughmarker.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TIHtBbu.jpg?1[/img][/center] The ship shook again. He heard the screeching of the ship breaking in half. He didn't go out there to check. No point. He didn't feel safe in the boat, but it was better than out there. Half of the group got in, including the big guy, but he's too terrified to worry about it. Isla popped in, then the boat hit the water, but they bobbed in the waves. No one was driving the thing. Penny didn't get on, the ship sunk, he felt guilty for thinking bad of her before. It wasn't her fault his guitar got broken. He doesn't want the last memory of her to be poison by his rage. She doesn't deserve that. Then she and Odessa dropped on top of the boat, he was elated she was okay, but didn't know if he deserved to feel that way now. Zoey and Caelea were okay. Everyone but Lilith was there, he noticed, but it was too late to go back for her. No. They had more important things to worry about. Like creature feature coming back with a vengeance. The thing was just as terrifying as it was the other day. And was it bigger? He hoped not. He couldn't run away on a boat in the middle of the ocean. More opportunity to get him this time. Nope. Not happening. [quote] "Someone get this boat started!" - Hagan[/quote] He didn't need to be told twice. Stacey couldn't do anything to fight it, but he could try harder to help this time around. He drove a boat once when he was ten. One of the few times his father made time for the family. He didn't remember everything, but it couldn't be that much different from driving a car. At least he hopes so. It didn't have pedals, the speeds were controlled by the gear shift. The key was already in the ignition, he turned it, the engine kicked up, then pushed the gear shift forward. The boat sped away. He gripped the steering wheel tight and aimed for the shore. The boat worked against the waves, the ride bumpy, but he kept control. He didn't know the first thing about docking a boat and hoped he didn't crash it against shore or get them killed.