[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8qlAia9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Wygi4Oz.png[/img][/center] [hr] Caelea was honestly surprised that they didn’t drown. She was even more surprised when Zoey shouted out - loud enough to cause her to wince (though mostly from her pounding headache). She finally forced herself up from her lying position and saw the lifeboat. Shit. It had actually worked? Everything fucking hurt as she got onto her feet and onto the boat, head swimming from the sudden standing. She managed to keep her balance… just about. As soon as she was inside she placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. Slowly, but surely, the world stopped spinning around her. She could think with a bit more clarity, or at least fight through the pain now that she was off the floating ice block and on the lifeboat. [color=6ecff6]"To be fair to Hagan, I'm the one who left him to get Zoey,"[/color] Caelea admitted with a good natured shrug, even as her mouth was a firm line and her face screwed up with pain. Honestly, Penny looked in a much worse shape than her. At least they were all here. She glanced at Trent and Finley. They looked alive, which was all she'd wanted when she'd asked Hagan to protect them. [color=6ecff6]"And technically he did his job, since all the kids are still alive." [/color] She was gonna go on to slap Hagan on the back and say good job or some shit, but as her hand raised to the air so did something from the sea. But of course, it wasn’t over yet. Because nothing was [i]easy[/i]. Caelea rubbed her head as she just stared at it… partly in shock, but partly not. No matter how many times she saw things like this, which wasn’t often after the Glutton, it didn’t stop being… horrifying. Especially not when it was something that could destroy a boat nevermind them. Caelea gritted her teeth. Most of them were already injured and there was no way to fight a large, shadowy floating monster while on the sea. Isla barely even reacted as she turned to look at it, blinking as her brain didn’t quite register what it saw. It didn’t help that she was still reeling from all the teleportation. Hagan asked for someone to drive. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he ran to the door, frowning as she tried to figure out something to help. And came up blank. She had no idea what he was planning to do but she just hoped it would help… without losing anyone (him included). Penny pretty quickly followed him, so that was a relief. Caelea was about to comment on her inability to drive when, to her surprise, Stacey jumped up to the driver’s seat. And he could drive it… Well at least it was moving. Caelea instantly grabbed hold of the nearest chair to stabilise herself as nausea stabbed through her again. Of course she didn’t do well on smaller, fast moving boats because why would [i]anything[/i] go right today. Of course she got sea sick. She took deep, gasping breaths and swallowed down the urge to vomit. Not here, not now. She was thankful that she hadn’t eaten anything that day. [color=6ecff6]“We need to get ready to get off as soon as we get to shore, I have a feeling this thing isn’t going to leave us alone even when we hit land,”[/color] Caelea commented, turning to the others even as her voice was strained. One of the kids, Finley she thinks, looked pretty shaken by the creature's appearance. She had to remind herself that this wasn’t normal for people to be used to. [color=6ecff6]“I’m going to help by the door.” [/color] She glanced over to where Penny was… clearly struggling. There was no way she could hold at the door and Cael didn't want to leave Hagan there alone. She didn't even know if she could help. She lowered her voice, speaking specifically to Zoey as she watched Penny out of the corner of her eye. [color=6ecff6]"I don’t think Penny is in a good state… I dunno the first thing about health and shit, but she might need help getting off when we get to shore..." [/color] She shook her head slightly, unsure what more to say than that. Instead she just moved over to the door, glancing over at where Penny was standing right against the wall. Yeah, definitely not in a good condition. Still she didn't comment on it because she knew how she'd react to having a weakness pointed out - even if it was an injury. Especially if it was an injury. Instead, she just said, [color=6ecff6]"I'll try to blast it away or damage it if it gets too close." [/color] She gave Penny a nod, stepping into her previous spot at the door - slightly behind Hagan. She still felt nausea in the pits of her stomach but she could ignore it for now. She concentrated on watching the apparition and being ready to help if necessary.