[Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjdlYTZhZS5UR2xzYVhSb0lFdHBibWR6YkdWNS4w/lauliya-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] Great. Just fantastic. Not only was Lilith unable to deal with the apparition, the same one that tried to attack Stacey before, but it was already chasing the others to land. She rushed to catch up to them, trying to think of another plan. Something had to be drawing it to them, but what, she wondered. Could there be other apparitions that can help them? She hoped so. Her notes were probably destroyed once she hit the water, so she'd have to remake them when they were safe. God, what a shitty day. Reaching closer to the boat, Lilith transfered the effects of her abstraction off the thing she grabbed; looked like one of those spears fishermen used, and applied it to the lifeboat. Then she attempted to climb on from the side.