[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200518/bec02375bb9e80015263b54299608b50.png[/img][/centre] Tony didn't take the ferry to the island. Instead, his father took him. Riding on the back of giant sea turtles. Once at the island, they said their farewells and Tony walked out of the ocean. Most of his belongings in a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41si6MlGDqL._AC_SY400_.jpg]waterproof bag.[/url] He ran a hand through his hair to mess it up a bit, and restyle it. Setting his bag on the beach, he took out a short-sleeve button-down shirt and put it on, leaving the buttons undone, and put on a pair of thongs. Re-zippering his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and walked inland to find the camp. He got a few odd looks, but he couldn't tell if it was because they saw him come from the ocean, or that he looked obviously foreign. Looking up at the gate, he sighed. The kanji rearranging themselves in his mind. [color=7FFFD4]"Cool trick."[/color] He muttered to himself as he figured it was something he had inherited from his father. Walking through the gate, he saw three people, two around his own age, and one that looked older. Nodding at the others. [color=7FFFD4]"G'day. We waiting for more?"[/color] He said, hoping at least one of the others would understand.