[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8qlAia9.png[/img][/center] [hr] Caelea’s eyes widened as some girl she’d never seen before, probably that Lilith person Penny was worried they’d left behind, somehow caught up and grabbed onto the boat. [i]What the hell.[/i] She’d seen some crazy shit and really shouldn’t be shocked but… she was. There was nothing she could do to help her, but it seemed that Hagan could. Then a tendril came out of his hand in an eerie orange colour that had her automatically flinching and stepping back. She tried to force the sudden flood of memories back even as panic jolted through her body. It was far too familiar to… No. This was Hagan, not [i]that[/i]. She’d just have to ask him about it- There was no time to think about it as the apparition moved at a speed she couldn’t even see. One minute she was staring at that orange in shock, the next she was flying through the air and hit the water with a shocked scream. Her vision blacked out momentarily as her head hit the water, harder than she’d hit the ice platform earlier. As it came back she was already sinking even as she struggled against the freezing water. Her arms and legs thrashed as she gasped for air only to find her mouth filled with water. [i]She knew she should’ve learned to swim.[/i] As her vision began to disappear a voice sounded in her ears… One slightly familiar, yet not. [hr] Caelea woke up with a gasp, sitting bolt upright. Her eyes slammed shut instantly as the sunlight blinded them. Her first thought was that she had to get out of the sun before she turned red. She rubbed her still aching head as her brain began to catch up with what was going on. All she could hear was the sounds of [i]children[/i]. As if she hadn’t already had a bad enough day. She finally opened her eyes and squinted against the bright light, lips curling up in disgust. These were actual children, not slightly younger teenagers that she could just about put up with. She [i]hated[/i] children. Especially when there were this many. She really had to get away from this. Annoyance shot through Caelea as she stood up, temper short from everything that had happened. A kid threw a baseball directly at her and her hands shot up to catch it… only for the ball to go right through her. What? She gritted her teeth as she approached the kid that had thrown it and straight up kicked him. Her foot went right through the smug bastard, which only led her to be more frustrated - if not surprised. So not only was she surrounded by screaming children but she couldn’t kick them into shutting up? Worst day ever. Caelea clenched her fists as she tried to breath through the seething anger that she was beginning to feel. All she wanted to do was kick something, anything, but was there anything solid in here? She doubted it. It felt just like the recollections they’d had before… where nothing was quite real. She took another deep breath as she glanced around to make sure there was no one nearby. She could see Hagan a bit off - his height meant he was far too easy to spot. But no one was nearby. Having determined there was no one to see her nearby and laugh, Caelea bet forward so her hands touched the floor. Then she flipped herself up into a handstand, holding it for a few moments before flipping so her feet were also on the ground. Then she stood up properly, feeling slighter calmer than before. Nothing like some gymnastics to force her out of her anger (though rational for once). Then she began to make her way towards Hagan through the swarms of children, trying her best to ignore all of them. By the time she reached him, Zoey already had to. "Well it's nice to see you two again, I have to say-" She was about to complain about how shit this place was but her gaze flickered to Zoey, noticing the tears. Fuck, she was crying. Caelea closed her mouth again. She had no idea what to say when someone was crying. [color=6ecff6]“Well, uh, that this is pretty shit,”[/color] the short girl continued [color=6ecff6]“But at least we’re still alive? Probably.”[/color] Really she wanted to ask Hagan about his abstraction but now wasn't the time. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Wygi4Oz.png[/img][/center] [hr] One minute she was drowning, the next she woke up lying on her back in the dirt. Isla jolted up, spluttering up water that was no longer in her lungs. The sounds of children running around her was familiar as if she was experiencing a memory of her own - only there wasn’t sun like this in Scotland. Slowly she sat up, hand reaching to her head to ensure her beanie was still there. She let out a relieved sigh as she felt the soft knit material beneath her fingers. Thank god for that. She let out a quiet yelp as one of the children playing ran right [i]through[/i] her. What the fuck? This was not normal at all. She stood up with a frown. Her beanie glowed with purple sigils as she tried to stop the movement of one of the kids, only for it to fail. She shook her head. Yeah, this was fucking weird. She looked around and spotted one of the people who had been on the lifeboat - who literally appeared out of thin air a little bit away from her. Huh, that was pretty cool! Ignoring the children and walking right through them, she approached the two. [color=f26522]“Is he alright?”[/color] Isla asked as she squatted down beside the younger boy who was literally facedown. That couldn’t be good for his breathing. She was tempted to poke him to check that he was alive. [color=f26522]“Gotta say, breathing in dirt ain’t something I'd recommend.” [/color] She then turned to Finley with a bright, far too cheerful smile for the situation. [color=f26522]“I’m Isla, by the way. Pretty fun all this almost dyin' and waking up surrounded by ghost wean- children, aye?”[/color]