[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5024233]Marcus[/url] fell to his right shoulder after his attach, but kept his sight on the beast. He watched in amazement the summoned demon’s actions. No matter the shattered leg, it still kept on fighting on. Pain should have been unbearable and stability lost, but it was not offended by such actions. As he rose up, he was more amazed by the actions of the sickly man. He saw him land after taking leap backwards and could swear he saw, for a mere second, a grin, a thrill, eye glaring like determined to see the beast dead. A whimper from the beast, as to say “I missed? How?” as the sickly man made a dash forward and brought his sword down on the beast’s head. Beast let out another noise, this time a screech inhuman that Marcus felt like his heart would freeze. So inhuman, so unlike anything he had ever heard, voice from his nightmares and beyond. And then the demon fell silent. Limp. And fell down. Marcus stood there for a second, amazed. Then he remembered. [color=BDB76B][b]“The door… Door!” [/b][/color] He yelled as a warning to the sickly man, and turned around. He looked at the door, then at the sickly man. His comrade had gotten a strike, Marcus was afraid if he was alive any longer. But he didn’t have time to go and take care of him. His rifle was not good enough a weapon, he was afraid that the stock would loosen up and gun break or the barrel would bend. He took a look at the cane that the beast had. It had made an impressive mark on the floor with the attack he had done and it seemed to be of high quality, hopefully not hollow as the rifle. In normal situation he would have rushed to grab a sword or an axe to hack the beast and the bell ringer. But he couldn’t trust that he had time to do so, leaving the sickly man alone against the enemies on the other side. Rifle on his left hand, he reached to grab the weapon from the screeching demon...