[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SKlMCUQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9JVtW3z.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [quote=Caelea][color=6ecff6]“But at least we’re still alive? Probably.”[/color][/quote] "Cael..." Zoey muttered as she wiped her tears as she was finally starting to entertain a thought in her head. The kind of thought that was lingering her in her head since she got here but now... after all of this, it was starting to seem more and more lightly. "... This place is hell." Zoey sobbed as Hagan crossed his arms. "Try to explain [i]any[/i] of this; we died and this is purgatory or whatever fucked up version of it." "Zoey..." Hagan muttered to Zoey as he let out a sigh. He knew that this place couldn't be hell... because he's seen hell with his own two eyes. And it's an orange sun. "... You [i]know[/i] the Kid or whatever the fuck his name is would [i]never[/i] do that to us." Bringing up his name. "... Then explain what the [i]fuck[/i] is even going on?" Zoey said... her body was freezing and she was shivering. Thanks to her abstraction, she was used to it but it was probably the water. What didn't help was the pain she was feeling and she would put some ice on it but she was too cold. She would kill herself if she kept pushing past her limits. However, a building exploded and Hagan whipped around towards it. Out of reflex Hagan crossed his arms in front of him and jumped in front of the girls. Son of a bitch, he had to do it. "... Barrier!" Hagan shouted as the full barrier appeared and it was not pretty. It took the appearance of a massive dome that looked vaguely like a sun... an orange sun. It had massive thorny tentacles that outstretched [i]meters[/i] and the barrier effortlessly tanked the debris and other pieces of stone. When the dust settled... it was that thing. That smoky Apparition, floating in the air. Shit. That thing traveled way too fast to dodge. Hagan was hoping his barrier was strong enough to take the damage... However, it floated into the air above everyone at a slow speed before it let out a screeching sound and quickly descended to the ground. The Apparition hit the ground, fell to its hands and feet as it continued its screeching... Hagan wondered if it was in [i]pain[/i]. The Apparition stopped screeching and then began... sobbing as it put its hands where its face [i]should[/i] be. Hagan looked over his shoulder at the girls confused. "... The fuck is going on?" [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ylHPwMt.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] A hand quickly wrestled Stacey's hand and he felt warmth as Odessa was trying her best to help him out since he seemed to be doing the worse. This wasn't good, though. She was in direct sunlight, which was great but she was running out of energy between all these usages of her abstraction. Odessa was getting sluggish, but she was producing heat. She looked to the rest as her skin began [i]waving[/i] with all the heat she was giving off. She fell onto her knees as she said, "... Get close." However, there was the explosion of dust and debris as Odessa covered herself with her arm. She tried to turn her body into wood but all she accomplished was falling to her hands and knees with only patches of her skin turning into wood. Odessa sighed as she continued generating heat, and the thing flew up into the air before it fell to the ground, screeching and sobbing like... Maybe this was [i]its[/i] recollection. Odessa had a lightbulb in her head as she looked at the group. "Get out of here," Odessa said as she turned off her heat generation and her body slowly returned to its usual body heat. She narrowed her eyes at Penny as she said, "[i]All[/i] of you." Odessa was able to muster what little strength she had left to force herself back to her feet... not for long as she stumbled over. She got herself back onto her feet as she looked back at them, "I have a way to get rid of this thing for good... just get out of here while it's distracted." Truth be told, Odessa was not worried about dying. Not one bit.