[center][h1]In Memorium[/h1][/center] And so, after two years of conflict, of internal fighting and a false threat fabricated by a false leader, the Void War finally ended. The Galaxy found itself in a strange place, for no factions were preeminently looking to wipe each other from the face of the galaxy. The Mandalorians and the Republic found themselves rebuilding after the attacks on Coruscant and the battles that ravaged its surface. Despite that, the Republic had found a way to endure, if the slow rebuilding could be called that. The Republic's governmental structure had been greatly damaged by the Genesis Engine's final strike. Despite the late Xanthippe Naberrie's efforts to control the damage and focus the worst of it on herself, much of the once great planet spanning city was destroyed, including the Senate district. As a result, system leaders and Supreme Chancellor Armond Organa couldn't all meet at the same time, as the holo-net simply couldn't handle the stress without the extra hardware that had been designed for the Senate Building. As a result, the first two years of rebuilding for the Republic with ineffective spending hindering even the most well intended efforts across the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Mandalorians returned to their former capitol, the planet of Mandalore, to find that they were ill-equipped to handle the rebuilding and terraforming of their desolate world. But for Manda'lor the Valkyrie, rebuilding their homeworld was the priority, not waging war. She faced many challengers who disagreed with her, but each one found themselves outmatched, though none found the mercy that Ava Cadera had. Clans Fett, Saxon, and Wren all buried challengers to her rule as Manda'lor, to name but a few. Eventually, however, it became clear to both the Republic and Mandalorian Clans that neither could recover on their own, and on the third year after the Void War, Clan leaders and Manda'lor and Supreme Chancellor Armond and important figures from within the Republic began meeting, with Theron Shan remaining the main point of contact between meetings. By the fifth year, with much convincing of many of the systems still loyal to the Republic, the Mandalorians and the Republic had become one entity and renamed the Mandalorian Republic. The clans opened up to the idea that battle was not the only way to win honor or glory and the Republic gained much needed manpower, military power, and funding sources. While this was happening, the Sith Imperium grew. The Hutts had never quite recovered from the mess on Makeb and much of their empire was left with inadequate protection. Imperium Space, which started as a couple of systems, quickly grew through a combination of clever bribes in the right places to the right people and military force where necessary. A new Sith Academy was formed, this one on the jungle world of Krazit, and several sister schools on various other worlds within chunks of Wild Space that had yet to be explored. Empress Imperious had learned from her time with the now defunct Sith Empire, learned that a leader with no heirs and the ability to vanish at a whim was no leader at all, that the Sith, as they had been, were little better than rabid animals who barely avoided war with themselves and that Slaves, while useful, could turn on their masters with one well placed word, weapon, or noble act. And so the Sith Imperium avoided the mistakes of the previous Empire and the Sith Order evolved to become the Dark Inquisitorium, who's members had better control over themselves and their minions. In fact, even as things were planned and the Imperium grew, Lord Fraxxus, the Empress's Fist as he'd become known, lead the efforts to find a suitable location for a new colony on a snowbound world in Wild Space... [hr] [center][h2]Lord Fraxxus, Orion II, Orion System[/h2][/center] The wookie shook himself as the Imperium squad moved through the snow, specially designed speeders carrying the equipment they'd need to evaluate the site they were looking at to set up a new colony that would serve as the basis for the latest Inquisitorium academy. However, as he crests a hill, he holds up a furry hand and the convoy stops as his bronze saber hisses to life. The white and red clad squad leaders signal their men and the Imperium squads spread out, blaster rifles up. The wookie roars as he finishes cresting the hill. "Who goes there?!" There was no answer at first so he repeats himself, using the Force to augment his voice to carry over the howling of the wind. This time, after a couple of minutes, three figures shamble out of the snow, lightsabers of their own in hand, or at least, it was something similar in design. They were similarly furred as Lord Fraxxus, with horns curving around their faces like a natural helmet. However, while the Wookie wore little more than a cloak, these three were also armored across critical parts of their bodies. The leader, clad in while and deep blue armor and wielding a silver blade, stepped forwards in response. "We are the Te'chari, this world's inhabitants. You are encroaching on our lands. I think we are the ones who will be asking questions. If you don't answer them willingly, our shaman," The presumably female one on his right, a headband on her head, stepped forwards at the word, "will pry them from your skulls." Fraxxus grinned as he deactivated his blade. This was quite the opportunity and Empress Imperious would be pleased to see him grasp it. "We are with the Sith Imperium..."