[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE3OC42YThhOWEuUm1sdWJHVjVJRkp2ZHcsLC4wAAAA/hello-bunny.demo.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/73/9b/0e/739b0ea1a5e90b34802feed48f862a1c--androgynous-haircut-androgynous-girls.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] The ground shifting from the explosion almost knocked Finley off their feet. They stabilized themself, struck with horror as they once again saw the shadowy Apparition. But not only that, spotted some of the other survivors from the lifeboat. The bright orange barrier was able to protect the group closest to the blast, and luckily the other group was far enough away to avoid debris. Finley braced themself, eyes darting around looking for a place to hide, anticipating the beast to charge again but then...it started crying. And Caelea said something to the creature, something Finley couldn't quite make out. They turned to the small group that had gathered, their attention then turning to Trent, making sure their friend was going to be safe. The woman in the robe offered to distract the Apparition while the others hid. While Finley hadn't been introduced to her, they figured if she was offering to be the bait she must be pretty powerful. [color=LightSteelBlue]"Let's t-try to get behind a c-car or wall or some-"[/color] Finley didn't finish their sentence, as Caelea getting torn in half and the ensuing screaming cut them off. Finley starred at this gruesome scene with wide eyes, unable to look away. The blood, the screaming, the way the Apparition climbed inside Cealea, the knitting closed of wounds. It was too close to home. It was too recent. It dredged memories from Finley's mind in a way that made their stomach cramp and their legs tremble. The memories of the car accident, of the crying girl inside. It was a [i]mistake[/i]. The way Caelea...no not Caelea...the Apparition smiled. Was that...was that what they were? A monster? Finley began to tremble, still unable to look away from the bloody scene, any thoughts of hiding completely erased from their mind. Completely immobilized as they began to hyperventilate.