[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjcwYjI5NC5VM1JoWTJWNUlFZHlZWGtnLjAA/roughmarker.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TIHtBbu.jpg?1[/img][/center] Odessa grabbed his hand and warmed him up. If his reflexes worked he would have pulled away, but he couldn't nor did he want to. If it's warmth he could deal with being close to her for a few minutes at least. That's all he got, before something exploded and the thing came back. Odessa left them and told them to run. He doesn't have a problem with that, but it didn't come for him like it usually did. No. It dropped to its knees, cried, then spoke, its voice distorted. He couldn't understand it from where he was. Not that it mattered. Whatever its reasons didn't matter to him. Not when its his life that hung in the balance. Caelea left Hagan's barrier and approached it. What is she doing? You're not supposed to get close to that thing. It tore through a building, destroyed two boats, terrorized him. He's exhausted. He needed to rest. It's been non-stop since the moment that thing came into his life. When was the last time he slept? Three days ago? Maybe four? None of it here. The creature moved so fast he blinked and missed it. It was on its knees last he saw, then Caelea was split in two. Stacey fell to his knees, shaken. That could've been him. That could've been him. That could've been him! A sense of dread hit hard, along with relief. It got what it wanted, right? He should've felt guilty Caelea died, but he didn't. It was him or someone else. He felt bad Zoey, Penny, and Hagan lost a friend though. [quote][color=goldenrod][b]“RUN!”[/b][/color] - Penny[/quote] He staggered to his feet. She said to run. Penny always had the best ideas. Isla was okay, the boy and the other kid, he couldn't tell boy or girl, ambiguous then, weren't doing so hot. Penny had dropped the boy and ambiguous was having a panic attack. Okay, he couldn't deal with it, but Penny wouldn't leave them there so he couldn't either. "Isla grab him." He pointed at the boy, then went to ambiguous. "You're freaking out. I get it, but now's not the time. You learn you can only have panic attacks in this place when there isn't something that's about to kill you." He threw the kid's arm over his shoulder and moved from the park as fast as he could. He wasn't going fast. Not when the cold still bit his bones, getting colder the more children he walked through, and the extra weight, but it was in the opposite direction. It should be fine. Penny said it'd be okay. That's what she always says right before something bad happens, but he's lived this long. He won't doubt her now, so he kept moving.