[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zBcJjpYf/NYName-Card.png[/img][/center][hr]Avalice Academy Plaza | Interactions: [@KoL][hr] As Hana'O opens her eyes, she is greeted by the lovely smile of a girl with silver hair and piercing golden eyes. It seems the girl had not expected anyone to speak about her mana in such a complimentary way. So, she introduces herself as 'Eris Reinhardt of Class-C' and tells the Sixth Seat that she is someone akin to an admirer. Hana'O has heard that last word often. And, unfortunately, it's not always something she wants to hear. That word usually follows with some form of negative interaction afterward. Almost instinctively, Hana'O mentally braces herself for what's coming next. But, much to her surprise, nothing approaching ill-mannered ever came. Instead, Eris tells her that she has no intention of eliciting a duel or anything of the sort. Hana'O's eyes grow slightly wider with pleasant surprise. Eris then says that it must be difficult for Hana'O to be in such a position constantly. Hana'O smiles gently in response. [color=#E0115F]"It's not for one such as I to complain about duty."[/color] Hana'O replies, but her tone seems pained. It's obvious she agrees that the challenges are tiresome, but it's also obvious she is very much duty-bound to it despite her true feelings. [color=#E0115F]"I,"[/color] she hesitates before locking eyes with Eris, [color=#E0115F]"sometimes wish that someone stronger would appear and finally wrest me from my seat. Power... can be a curse."[/color] She shakes her head. [color=#E0115F]"Oh, but where are [i]my[/i] manners? I am Hana'O, 651[sup]st[/sup] of my name. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reinhardt."[/color] She places her hands on her lap and does a traditional bow of her culture, known as Ojigi. [color=#E0115F]"Forgive my lack of knowledge on the families of this land, but, 'Reinhardt' is the name of a noble family, is it not?"[/color] Some time later, a familiar voice calls out for Hana'O. One of the Seven. It would appear that it's time for Hana'O to take her leave. She picks up her thing and walks up to Eris with a friendly smile. [color=#E0115F]"It seems I have to go now. I regret not being able to talk with you more. It's been a decidedly more pleasant meeting than I've had in a very long time. Lady Reinhardt,"[/color] she bows once more, [color=#E0115F]"I pray our paths cross again. Perhaps, we can become friends then?"[/color] She almost falters to suggest. It's as if she thinks Eris would be offended by the idea. Soon after, Hana'O leaves, returning to her tiresome duty.